Chapter 3

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Tws: abuse, SH, and mentions of bob

It's been 3 days since Gee kissed my cheek. He asked me out seconds later and I accepted! The date is in 3 hours, and I don't know what to wear! I've tried on so many outfits, but none of them look good to me. I just want everything to be perfect for our first date. I finally decided to wear a black Pierce the Veil shirt and black ripped jeans, and black combat boots. I put on pink lipstick, white foundation, black eyeliner, and silver eyeshadow. Then, Gerard texted me that he was there!! I'm so excited!! I pulled up at the restaurant Gerard said we should meet at and get out of my car. It was one of the fanciest restaurants in Belleville. Gerard was standing outside in a black suit, white shirt and red tie (a/n: revenge fit even tho mcr hasn't gotten that far yet lmao) “Hey.” he says as I walk up to him. “Uh, h-hi,” I stammer. Fuck. Why am I so awkward??? I think, cringing over how I sounded. We walk into the restaurant and sit down.

○●•° time skip °•●○

I’m back at home and my head is spinning!!! We had such a great time!!! He’s so perfect and he seems to really like me for some reason. I learned he had a band with his friends and his brother called My Chemical Romance. But all I can think about is that, at the end he kissed me again!! But this time on the lips!!!! And he asked if he could be my boyfriend!! I can’t believe it!!
The next morning
I woke up the next morning and walked down the stairs. My mom was there in the kitchen which was surprising. “(Y/N)!” She said. Uh oh, I think. She sounds angry. But when doesn’t she hate me for no reason. “Where were you last night?” Shit. “Uhh, I just went out with some friends mom.” “You’re such a fucking liar!” She screams. Ohhh no. I’m only just able to duck and avoid the plate thrown at my head. (an: Is it bad that I'm watching y/n slander tiktoks while I'm writing this ._.) I run out the door and get in my car. As I drive to school, I realize I’ve started crying. I get to school and sit in the parking lot for a minute to dry my tears and reapply my makeup. I pull up my sleeves and pick at one of my fresher cuts until it bleeds. I pull my sleeves back down and get out of my car. As I do, I see Gerard walking toward me. “Hey sugar” he said as he walked up to me (a/n: Sugar~) “Hi,” I say. “I want you to meet my friends, sugar.” (a/n: sugar again ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) I walk with Gerard over to a group of people, and he introduces me one by one. “This is Ray, with the cool hair, Mikey, my brother, Frank, he's short” At this, Frank punched Gerard on the shoulder. “Bert, and Bob.” I say hi to them all, and my eyes stop on Bob. He’s looking at me weird, like he knows something about me I don’t even know. I decide that I don’t like him. We walk into school and Gerard walks me to my first class, and drops me off with a kiss and a “Love you.” My heart flutters and I blush as I take my seat. He really is perfect.

Or is he perfect? (Evil author laugh)

Hii yall
Let's pretend it's only been like a week since my last upload :3
Sorry I haven't been posting, I've been going thru some stuff.
Had a couple breakdowns, figured out I'm transmasc, lots.
Sorry :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2023 ⏰

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