Typing Is Fun

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Did you know I don't spell a lot of things right when I type? Well, Drowso here is about to show you words that she messes up a sh*t ton!


Liam: I mess up his name more times then I'd like to admit. Examples are Luam (which gets corrected to luas because of reasons), Laim (which gets corrected to Láim) and Lain.

Bryce: Same thing as Liam. Bruce and Bryve are what I mess his up on except half the time it gets corrected to Bruce for some reason.

Texty: I don't mess this up a lot but I have done a few times. It always was Tecty or Textt.

Owen: The n and m are close together which causes Owem.

Surprisingly, those were the only names I've caught myself messing up with. There could be more.

Now, you may be thinking how I even mess these up in the first place. Well, it's not on purpose. It's because when I'm typing, I press the wrong things because I like to type somewhat fast.


You: ends up as Yoy which happens way more then it should.

Those: ends up as Thise.

It was: ends up as Itbwas.

Have: Ahve. I don't even know how.

What: Oh boy...Wjat, Qhat, Whst, Ehat, Wjhat (somehow) and there's probably more.

And: ends up as Ans.

Like: ends up as Likr and Loke.

Love: Ends up as Live and gets corrected to it as well.

No: ends up as Nó and it's always because of correction.

The: ends up as Tht, Thr, Tge and Tje.

More: ends up as mkrw.

There are probably more words that I mess up on but I don't keep track.

Aneyahs, byeare.

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