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I sat curled up on the couch and Tyler came out of his room now dressed and got a glass of cold water from the fridge, "are your friends coming over tonight?" I asked and Tyler came back to the couch. "No so you don't have to hide in your room" he said, "you hungry?" He asked opening the fridge. "No I'm on a diet" I said and i knew he had that look on his face of being confused, "you don't need to be on a diet" he said as he tossed me a bag of chips. "Says my half brother who was first my bully and who's opinion made me want to destroy myself" I said trying to not cry, "I know what I said but i don't mean it and you're gonna be the most beautiful girl at the dance with me" he said as he sat across from me holding my hands. "I still cant believe you want to take me to the dance" i said and he pulled me into a tight hug but then he froze, "it's okay" i said hugging him back and he hugged me even tighter.

"The dance is next week" i said and he nodded sitting up straight, "you still wanna go with me?" Tyler asked. "Of course" i said and he showed the biggest smile, "kids we're home!" I heard dad yell. "What are you two up to?" Dad asked as he walked into the living room catching Tyler hugging me, "look at you two" he said smiling and I didn't pull away I was quite comfortable. "We were just about to watch a movie" Tyler said as he turned on Netflix, "can we watch Wednesday?" I asked and he didn't argue he just obliged. I pressed play lying down so my head was on Tyler's lap. "Should I dress as Wednesday?" I asked and Tyler looked at me confused, "for the dance?" He asked and I nodded. "You can do her dance not dress like her" he laughed jokingly, "too bad I'm dressing like her" i said and he playfully glared at me.

"Can I have a sneak peek?" He asked and i playfully glared back at him, "no" I said getting off the couch and going to the fridge to grab a glass of water. I took the glass to my room closing the door behind me , the garment bag hanging on the back of my door. I unzipped the bag pulling the dress off the hanger so I could try it on, managing to zip the back up I looking in my full length mirror and played around with putting my hair in different styles. A low messy but not too messy of a bun, I pulled out the sides of my hair and letting out some of my baby hairs. I turned on my side watching the skirt twirl with me, the thrills of my skirt bounced as I rocked back and forth on the balls of my feet. I grinned and started copying the dance Wednesday does, I giggled at myself in the mirror.

"Ella?" I heard Tyler say after the knock, I walked to the door only opening it up a tiny crack. "Yes Tyler?" I answered seeing him through the crack, "you gonna open the door more?" He asked. "No the crack is close enough" i said in a soft but mellow tone, "what are you naked?" He asked and i rolled my eyes. "Only boys wish to see a girl naked rather than in her clothes" i said, "just open the door more" he said attempting to push it open but I pushed back. I hadn't hidden my scars and I didn't want him seeing them again, "you can wait for the dance" I said and he managed to push open the door letting himself in. "Woah" he said standing in the door way, "you look amazing" he said as he took a step closer reaching his hand out. I was hesitant but I reached out for his hand and he twirled me around allowing me to pass underneath his arm, he put his hand on my waist and joined our hands.

"Relax" he said as he reached over putting in a cassette in the Walkman player and it started playing the night we met. "You still use that?" I asked referring to the Walkman player, "yea better than the music on your iPhone" he said. We slow danced in the middle of my room he twirled me around again catching me with his arm around my waist leading me into a dip before pulling me up slowly and twirling me around once more. We stopped dancing and I pulled away from Tyler giving an uncomfortable smile, "can you leave so I can get out of the dress?" I asked looking at the door. He didn't say another word he just obliged and left closing the door behind him as he left. I slipped out of the dress and I heard another knock, "what is it Tyler?" I asked as I hung the dress back up. "Mum says dinner is ready" he said and I heard his footsteps fade as he walked to the kitchen. I put on my pyjama shorts and an oversized shirt with my socks on my feet before going down to dinner.

"Ella darling you hungry?" Theresa asked and I sat down on the bar stool, "I'm not that hungry" I said as she passed me an empty plate and I served myself. I looked at the food and it wasn't that it looked disgusting it looked delicious just my stomach couldn't handle the sight of food. "Why aren't you eating?" Tyler asked as he scooped up some pasta salad but I didn't answer, "you scared it'll make you fat?" He asked and I quickly jumped off my seat running to my room again. "Tyler!" I heard dad yell at him as I closed my door, I sat on my bed hugging my bear to my chest. I poked my stomach and grabbed at the stomach rolls, I looked at the full length mirror from my bed. "Ella?" I heard with a knock and I didn't respond hearing Tyler's voice, leopards don't change their spots so people never truly stray from their true colours. "Ella?" He asked again as this time he wiggled the doorknob finding I had locked it, I still didn't answer his calls.

I turned off my light making my room dark and hopped under my bed covers, I hoped that would send him the message to leave me alone. I rested my head on the pillow facing away from the door but I was wrong he let himself in anyways and I felt a dip in the bed. "Ella?" He asked and I felt him move a piece of hair from my cheek, "I'm sorry" I heard him say. "Sorry isn't going to fix it" I finally said and he didn't say another word just sat there silently. "I didn't think my comment would have an effect" he said and I sat up and glared at him. "You can't be serious so calling someone fat or making a comment along those lines wouldn't make someone paranoid about what they eat" i said raising my voice at him. "I'm sorry" he said and I shook my head at him not accepting his apology.

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