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"Ella can you tell me the structure within the human cell?" The teacher asked as she drew a diagram of the cell on the board. "Yes Mrs Rey, the nucleous is the brain of the cell, the ribosomes organelles which is the protein in the cell. The nucleus is what surrounds the nucleous, cyptoplasm is the fluid in the cell, the mitcochondria is the power house in the cell which generates the chemical reactions in the cell, the endoplasmic rectum produces proteins and then lastly the cell membrane is the protection of the cell" i explained. "Well done" she praised as she wrote the last few words on the board.

The rest of the class the teacher gave us revision sheets for our test which was next week and I sure as hell was half way ready. I still had to remember the functions in pictures and know what they look like under a microscope, my next class was a free period so I had an hour to study or just do whatever I wanted, I pulled out my phone connecting my earphones into the connector when I saw Tyler's name flash across my screen.

Tyler🥵- hey you wouldn't happen to have a spare water?
Ella- why do you ask?
Tyler🥵- because it's like 86 degrees out and I have training after maths
Ella- that sounds like a you problem
Tyler🥵- please sis you don't want me to die of dehydration
Ella- quit being so dramatic
Tyler🥵- please sis?
Ella- urgh fine
Tyler🥵- thanks

I went to the canteen to get an extra water that was out of the fridge and walked down to the gym and through the side doors to the locker rooms finding Tyler's locker. I opened it up and took out his spare hoodie and put in the water bottle. This is a fair trade, I put on the hoodie and took a selfie sending it to Tyler.

Tyler🥵- Is that my spare hoodie?
Ella- yea can I wear it?
Tyler🥵- sure
Ella- yay and I think it's a fair deal
Tyler🥵- did you get the water?
Ella - yes it's in your locker
Tyler🥵- thanks

I left the gym and decided to go to the art room, Mr Hopkins wouldn't mind and he always lets me hang out there. I went to the art room finding him inside and on his laptop, "sir can I study in here?" I asked and he looked up from his computer screen. "Of course you can Ella" he said and I went to sit at the back of the room. I pulled out my books and breezed through my homework so I had none to do at home, all I wanted to do when I got home was take a nap. I pulled the sleeves of the hoodie into my palms and got to work on my last set of homework for biology then the door opened. I looked over smiling expecting to see Tyler but my smile disappeared when I saw Jarred and his friends. I heard another chair move and it was Mr Hopkins looking over, "boys can I help you?" He asked and I could see the smile on Jarred's face that he meant trouble.

"Hey Ella" Jarred said walking up to me and sitting in the stool across from me. "Leave me alone" I said moving my things closer to me, "don't be like that darling" he said and I looked up at him glaring. "Don't call me darling" i said and he smirked, "piss off" I said putting my earphones in my ears and before I could hit play he yanked them out of my ears. I pushed myself away from the table standing up leaning over and glaring at him. "Oh is the nerd mad" Jarred taunted and I reached over slapping him across the face, "you bitch" he said looking at me and his nostrils flaring. He reached over grabbing me by the hoodie I was wearing and he had a tight grip on my neck. "Jarred that's enough" I heard the teacher say but Jarred didn't stop, "I fucking warned you" I heard another male voice and I closed my eyes feeling myself falling and hitting hard on the floor.

I pushed myself up on my hands looking up seeing Tyler on top of Jarred beating the hell out of Jarred. "Tyler stop!" I yelled getting to my feet going behind him to pull him off but his elbow hit me in the nose making me fall to the ground again. "Shit" Tyler mumbled as he looked back at me before being punched in the jaw by Jarred, I looked over seeing teachers running over to try and seperate the two and this time they didn't even ask what happened instead they said to go straight to the principal's office. I was guided away by one of the teachers to the guidance councillors office and I just knew dad was gonna be pissed when we got home.

****time skip/ end of the day****

"You mean to fucking tell me you got suspended again!" Dad yelled at Tyler as we drove back home from school. "Not this again" I heard Tyler mumble and I could see dads nostrils flaring in the review mirror, "dad stop please" I said and he looked at me. "You aren't getting off Scott free either" he said and I looked at him shocked. "What did she do besides be abused by jarred?" Tyler asked angrily. I put my earphones in shutting out the noise the rest of the way home, dad and Tyler kept arguing and I swear there was a few times dad swerved on the road. Eventually they stopped and we arrived home to which I ran straight up to my room, I laid on my bed hugging my bear and shutting my eyes tightly.

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