A new beginning

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" Pour me another, please

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" Pour me another, please." Aubrey stares at the liquor bottles that sat behind the bartender. Today just wasn't his day. It started great but as soon as he got to work it was shit.

" Thanks," He mumbled as the bartender placed a glass of henny in front of him. " I'm going to cut you off soon, Aub." The bartender, Frankie replies.

" Come on Frank! I'm good! Plus I'm not driving." Frankie ignores him and starts to make a drink for a customer.

Thirty minutes went by and Aubrey sat there drinking water. He heard the door open and turned to see 3 ladies walking in. He didn't pay too much attention to them until they sat on the three empty stools next to him.

" Frankie, pour us some shots! We're celebrating, Love!" One says. Frank starts to pour them some shots" What are we celebrating?" He asked. Aubrey turned his head.

" Mira here is single! She finally broke up with that dumb ass nigga!" Aubrey looked trying to figure out which one was single. He noticed the quiet one just sitting there watching her 2 friends talk to Frankie.

" Man! I figured you would be here! You good?" Aubrey turned to see his best friend Chubbs sitting down next to him. All three girls turned their attention to Aubrey and Chubbs. Aubrey saw one whisper in the ear of the quiet one, smiling. She immediately blushed and turned her head.

" Yea, I'm cool." Aubrey turned back to the three ladies that had his attention. Well, one really had his attention. He watched as her friend looked over and smiled.

" Hey!" She waves at Aubrey and Chubbs.

" How you ladies doing?" Aubrey smiles.

" We're good! I see you over there looking at my sis!" She smirked while taking a sip of the drink that she was just handed.

" Oh, yea. My bad, if you're feeling a little uncomfortable." He looked at Frankie.
" The rest of their drinks on me, Frank!"

" Nigga..." Chubbs says in a low tone.

" Aw thank you! I'm Tia, that's Kim and your girl over here is Amira. We call her Mira though. Amira looked at her Tia. " Really.."

" Well I'm Aubrey, and this is my brother Chubbs." Frankie puts 3 more drinks in front of Tia, Amira, and Kim.

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