No Good

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" Can I help you, sir?" I watched as this man looked at different rings

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" Can I help you, sir?" I watched as this man looked at different rings. He was really focused and didn't hear me ask if he needed help. He kept his focus on the rings for a few more minutes before looking up and around. His eyes fell on me for a few seconds. I was about to walk over and offer my help again before he waved one of my coworkers over. Rude, I thought to myself.

He had a mysterious aura about him. I continued to watch him while Kyle showed him the different rings. Engagement rings, at that. He looks up again, and his eyes were on me. I looked away, but I could still feel his eyes on me. What is his problem? Luckily, one of my favorite customers required my help and I turned my attention to her.

" Out of these selections, these three are my favorite." I pointed to the three diamond necklaces I liked. My customer eyed the three pieces and smiled.

" I agree! You definitely have great taste, hon!"

" Thank you, and I have the perfect bracelets for you. I'll be right back" I turned around and walked over to the bracelets. On my way over, I had to walk by Mr. engagement ring shopper. He looked up and eyed me as I walked. I tried not to look his way. He licked his lips and then said something to Kyle while continuing his staring. Kyle turned his head slightly and nods. I reached into the display and took the bracelets out.

" Ok, here you go." My customer eyed the bracelet, smiled.

" I'll take the set." I smiled and handled her transaction.

" Ok, here you go, Ms Laura." Handing her bag to her.

" Always a pleasure, Amira. By the way, I saw handsome over there eying you up. He can't seem to keep his eyes off you." I glanced over to see him grabbing his bag from Kyle. He turned to me once more before walking out.

" Ms. Laura, he was buying an engagement ring." She looks shocked but shrugs.

" Well, obviously he's making a mistake! Anyway, I'll see you next time. Enjoy the rest of your night." She made her exit and I looked at the time. It was closing time and Kyle was already walking over to lock the door.

" Mira, I'll be back. I'm going to use the restroom, and then we can close out."

" Ok," I over and noticed something on top of the display. I reached to pick it up and noticed that it was a license. Looking at it, I noticed that it was the man who was just in here.

" Aubrey Graham..." I was startled by a knock on the door. Looking up, I could see this Aubrey guy looking right at me. I walked over to the door and unlocked it.

" Hey, did I leave my license, here?"

" You did, I just found it." He looked relieved.

" Thank you, baby." Baby? This nigga is something.

" No problem, Mr. Graham." I handed his license to him.

" Mr. Graham, huh?" He eyed me from head to toe, and then turned around to walk to his car. It was double parked in the middle of the street. He definitely didn't give a fuck.

" Be good, Baby!" He says before getting into his car and speeding off.

" Ok, Mira! Let's close this bitch and leave." I locked the door back and turned around.

" I'm ready."

" Who was at the door?" He asked while I did the numbers.

"Your last customer."

" Who, Drizzy?"

" Drizzy? His license said Aubrey." i turned to him.

" Well thats his real name. How did you see his license?" He turned to me with a smirk.

" He left it here and just came back."

" Slick mufuckaa." He mumbled while typing something on the iPad.

" Huh?"

" Nothing. Ok, we're done." He says while putting everything away and locking up the jewelry. I locked up the jewelry as well and walked into the back to get my purse.

"Mira Mira, I'll see you Monday!" Kyle says.

" Ok, I'll see you!"

" Oh, Mir! I know it's short notice but you should come out tonight. Me and a few of my friends will be at Lucky's."  He stood at his car.

" What time, Kyle? I know how you do!"

" Haha, 10! Come through!"

" Fine, I'll see you then!" I got in my car and started it up. Rolling down my window I hear Kyle.

" Drizzy will be there!" He says before speeding out of the parking lot.

" Drizzy, engagement ring Drizzy..."


I don't know where I'm going with just yet😂

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