Saving You 2

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I'm sure you forgot what Saving You part one was about so go read again if you have to 😆

I'm sure you forgot what Saving You part one was about so go read again if you have to 😆

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Arriving at my mom's, I rushed into her house to see her sitting in her living room crying. The house was a mess. This nigga had the audacity to come to my mom's house to do this shit? They say I have issues, right? Well, he's where I get these issues from. I'm really hoping that they aren't passed down to my kids.

" Momma," She looks up and smiles while still in tears. I could see the pain in her eyes. " Hi, my love."

" What happened?" I sat down next to her, pulling her into my embrace. All she does is look down. "Aubrey, it's not a big deal. I said some things and he went off. I shouldn't have said them."

" Mom! I don't fucking care what you said to him, that doesn't give him the right to do all of this?" Looking down at her arms, I saw where bruises were forming. She noticed that I saw them and moved away some. So many things were running through my head.

" It's fine Aubrey, I'm fine." I was getting ready to get up and go searching for him but when my mom grabbed my hand I stopped. " Ma.."

" No, Aubrey! I don't want you running off to fight with him. Both of you will get arrested. I just don't want that. I'm fine and that's all that matters." I couldn't believe this. She's just ok with all that he's done? "I'll get this cleaned."

" How are Amira and the kids?" I heard her ask while I was getting a cardboard box from her garage. There was glass everywhere.

" They're great, mom." I got started on cleaning while hearing a knock on the door. I swear that better not be Dennis. "I'll get it, Aubrey."

" No! If that's Dennis I'm going to kill him!" I walked to the door, swinging it open. I calmed myself down once I realized that it was Odell, Chris, and Chubbs.

" Nigga, you good?" Odell asked while looking around. He walked over to my mom.

" Mira called me and said that you rushed off because of some shit with Dennis," Chubbs mentions while looking around also. " That nigga put his hand on my mom, again."

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