We Should Be 3

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" Hello?" I answered my phone by tapping my AirPod as I walked out of my car. I heard laughing on the other in and knew that it was either Chubbs or Chris. I didn't feel like getting my phone out.

" Aye nigga! Where are you?" Chris.... This nigga is always so loud.

" I'm just leaving my mom's house, what's up?" I started my car and waited for him to respond. I could hear Chubbs say something. " Aye tell him to check his messages. I sent him that nigga's number."

" Oh shit. He got it?" I reached into my back pocket and pulled my phone out to check. " Number? Why do you need some nigga's number, Aub? " Chris asked.

" Mira's husband."

" Her husband? What did that nigga do? He want smoke?" That's the one thing about my brothers they will always have my back. " Nah, I just need to talk to him. Mira won't let me see my kid and I figured he'd be the way to make that happen."

" Aubrey, I love you my nigga. But sometimes you're stupid. He probably doesn't even know that the kid might not be his." I took off down the street and headed toward my house.

" Nah! He knows Omari isn't his. Omari is just a brown skin version of me. Man, I swear when I really sit back and watch him. He's all me, son!" I could hear Chris saying something to Chubbs. " Tell him to come over here!" I hear Chubbs say.

" Yea, swing by the crib before you do something crazy." I looked to my right before switching lanes and making a right turn to go to Chubbs' place.

" Ight, I'm on my way." I hung up and called Amira one more time.

" Hello?" I definitely wasn't expecting an answer and I definitely wasn't expecting Omari to answer.

"Omari, wassup lil man? How have you been?"

" Hey, Mr. Drake!! Where have you been?" I smiled at how excited he sounded. " Just working, a lot buddy. I miss you, man!"

" I miss you too! I have no one to play with my toys with. Daddy is always busy and mommy is always sad." Hearing that broke my heart.

" Why is mommy sad?"

" Daddy is always yelling at her and he hits her." The little voice says. See this is the shit I'm talking about! Mira went back to that. I'm about to go over there now.

" Where's mommy, right now? I asked. All I care about is Mira and Omari. " She's in her room crying and Daddy left.

" Ok, Omari. I'm on my way over to you guys now. Go make sure your mommy is ok." I made a left turn so that I could go to Mira's. She didn't live too far from where I was at the moment.

" Ok." I hear him walking up the stairs. He was calling out to Mira but she wasn't answering.

" Omari, are you with mommy?" I asked. He didn't respond. "Omari?"

" Mr. Drake. Mommy's door is locked." I hear him knocking on her door.

" Just wait for her to answer. I'm sure she's in the bathroom or something.

" Mommy? Mommy?" his small voice called out repeatedly. I didn't hear an answer. Now I'm starting to really worry.

" Omari, I'm 5 minutes away, ok." I started speeding through traffic.

" Mr. Drake! I'm scared!" Fuck, now I'm getting emotional and shit.

" Hey, listen to me. Everything is going to be ok. I'm outside now, Ok?" I heard him crying and now I'm ready to kill this Bitch nigga that put his hands on the love of my life. Especially in front of my son. I parked my car and got out. " I'm walking up now, Omari. Can you open the door for me?

" Yea. I'm coming now." He hangs up his mom's phone. I sent a quick text to Chubbs and Chris saying that I'm going to need a favor. I sent them Amira's address just as Omari opened the door. He hugs me as soon as he sees me. I picked him up and held him close as he cried.

" Everything is going to be ok," I whispered as I closed the door and started walking up the stairs to Amira's room. I put Omari down but he still kept himself close to me. I looked at the doorknob and realized I could unlock it. As I opened it I turned back around to Omari.

" I want you to stay right here and don't move, ok?" She shakes his head. " No, I want to stay with you, Mr. Drake. I'm scared." I picked him up and made my way in. I looked around and saw Mira on the floor. I quickly walked back out and put Omari down.

" Listen, buddy, I really need to help mommy. So I want you to stay right here, ok? Please?" He stares at me with a look that only Mira would give when she was upset. " Ok." He whispered. I kissed his forehead and walked back in. There she was passed out on the floor. She had a busted mouth and bloody nose. I could also tell that a black eye was forming.

" Mira!! I got on the floor and held her. I looked at the door to make sure Omari wasn't looking.

" Mira, please!" She didn't respond. I stood up with her in my arms and walked out.

" What's wrong with mommy??" Omari cried.

" We're going to take her to the hospital, buddy. Come on get your shoes on." He ran off to his room and came back out with his backpack and shoes.

" I'm ready! Is mommy going to be ok?" I watched as he put on his shoes. " We're going to take her to get checked out. Come on." I opened the front door just as someone was walking up the stairs. I looked up at the same time he looked up. Omari hid behind my legs. This nigga glared at me when he realized I held Amira in my arms.

" Who the fuck are you?"


I'm not sure which one I'll update next.

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