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AMIRAThe next morning I woke up to the space next to me, empty

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The next morning I woke up to the space next to me, empty . Of course, he's gone. I sat up and looked at the time and saw that it was 8:45 in the morning. I got up to take a shower and start my morning routine. While putting on my face moisturizer my phone rang. I checked it and it was Sabrina.

" Hello,"

" Damn, why do you sound like that?" She asked.

" Girl your brother!  I can't stand that Nigga!" I finished in the bathroom and walked out and sat down on my bed.

" What did he do now?" I could tell that Brina was at work because I heard some nurses in the background.

" I got in around 2 last night, and who is laying up in my bed smoking a blunt."

" So I'm guessing y'all fucked, that's why you're so mad?" I rolled my eyes and stood back up to put on my clothes.

" Bitch, you don't know me!" She laughed.

" I do and so does my brother! Why the fuck did you let him?"

" I..." She laughs again and cuts me off.

" I can't help myself when I'm around him!" Mocking me.

" Fuck you, Brina!"

" Girl you can't have both me and my brother!" I shook my head and put on my slides.

" I can't stand you! What time do you get off today?"

" 3 and then I'm gone for a week!" I nod remembering she was going out of town. I walked downstairs and gasp as I saw a figure standing at my refrigerator.

" Damn, what's scared you?" Brina asked.

" Your brother!"

" The fuck is wrong wit you, Mira?" Aubrey asked while continuing his search through my refrigerator.

" Hi, ma-ma!" I turned to see JoJo in his chair playing with a toy. He had some pancakes cut up on his plate.

" Brina, I'll call you back!" Hanging up, I smiled." Hey, baby!"

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