68| Silence Is Loud

47 4 13

A few days later, school opened again. The professors started to go in a rush to complete of the portions of the lost week. I didn't get to meet Anne in the morning, because of the rush, and decided to see her for lunch. 

I entered the Great Hall, and scanned the Hufflepuff table, to see the familiar face. I couldn't spot her there, or even at the Gryffindor table. I checked over for Draco at the Slytherin table, and he too wasn't there. 

I went over to Anne's friends and asked them, if they knew where Anne was. I was met with a few no's and 'I think she's still in the potions classroom."

I searched the potions class, but there was nobody except a first year, who came to submit their project. I scanned every classroom in the area, but they weren't there.

"Hey Luna! No time no see." I said excitedly. 

"Hi Cassie! I'm looking for Neville, he left his book with me." she said. 

"He's there in the great hall, next to Seamus. I think he was in the end closest to the teacher's table."

"Oh. Thanks! Why're you here?"

"I'm looking for Anne. Seen her around?"

"Another one of her classes was looking for her cause' she didn't come to class. Don't know if she found her."

"umm... thanks anyways." I sighed. 

Where could she be? I didn't see Draco at all too. Are they in the room of requirements? I ran all the way to where our secret room was. Our safe space. 

"Anne? Draco?" I called out. It was creepy to be in here alone. My voice echoed in the large room. I walked around, and then I saw them. 

Draco slumped on the magic cupboard he was working on, and Anne sleeping on and old couch right next to it. There was a messy stack of a few books and papers on the floor. 

"Guys?" I called out. But they didn't move. The only sign of them actually being alive, was their rhythmic breathing and the movement of their chest as they did so. 

I went next to Anne and slowly tapped on her shoulder, and called out her name. She moaned, and turned he head, making her almost fall of the couch; she startled awake.

"What time is it?!" she asked. 

"Lunch break. Some kind of friends you have. They weren't even worried that you were missing!" I said. 

"I told them I was going to the library. They don't worry about things as much as you do."

I went over and kneeled next to Draco. "Wake up Draco!" I said, and lightly shook him. He slowly opened his eyes, and rubbed them. 

His eyes suddenly went wide. "What time is it?!" he asked hurriedly.

"It's lunch break." I said. 

"Oh shit! I'm fucked." he said, and jumped up like a spring. He said a see you later, and dashed out the door.  

"So.. why were you two sleeping in here?" I asked. 

"We were up searching all night about your curse, the spell, cures and stuff. Draco was multi tasking; fixing this cupboard and stuff."

"So you're not upset about the cupboard anymore?" 

"Not really. Some people really have no choice."

"Don't think I forgot the real reason why you were up. Anne, you need sleep."

"You are more important than sleep." she said. 

"Sleep is important too. You didn't sleep properly for the last two weeks. You'll shout down eventually!"

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