Chapter 3

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After Erik had been sedated and Fifi was put to bed, the two sisters sat in the kitchen talking. Ettie immediately asked, "So... what's the deal?"

"Look, I know what you're thinking, but it's nothing. They were all awful to him like they were awful to me. When I heard what they were going to do to him if they found him, I had to go warn him. Then I found him like this. I couldn't leave him there to be killed like a wild animal. Mama and Papa would've haunted me forever if I did that."

"The things the papers say about him though?" Ettie questioned.

"I won't say he's innocent, but his violent acts were mostly of self-defense."

Meanwhile, Fifi crept down the stairs and walked into the sitting room where Erik was lying on the sofa. He was in and out of consciousness and the world was hazy from the sedative. He was, at least, slightly calm. The tiny figure appeared to him and sat on the floor next to him. Fifi reached up and tapped his shoulder.

He looked at her in response.

Then she touched his hand gently. He offered it to her, and she placed her tiny hand in his. Erik closed his eyes with contentment and fell asleep holding Fifi's hand.

Fifi's heart felt full for the first time since her father had died. With her hand resting safely in Erik's, she fell asleep on the floor next to the sofa.

The next morning, Ettie was in a panic when Fifi wasn't in her bed. She began to search the house like a wild person as did Amelie.

Finally, Amelie looked in the sitting room. "Ettie!" Amelie whisper yelled.

Ettie came running in and saw Fifi sleeping peacefully on the floor with her hand intertwined with Erik's.

Ettie began to cry and her sister comforted her, "Ettie, what's wrong?"

"Fifi... she hasn't slept for more than an hour at a time since Jacques died..."

Amelie stared in awe.

"I had my qualms about helping this man, but if his presence will heal my daughter too, then I will do everything possible to help him get better."

Amelie leaned her head on Ettie's shoulder. The two silently watched as Fifi woke up and tapped Erik on the shoulder. He sighed as his eyes opened. Fifi wrapped her tiny arms around him, and Erik gently patted her back with his left hand.

"Please stay," her tiny voice whispered.

Ettie had to bite back a sob, so as not to reveal they were watching. Since Fifi had lost her father, she hadn't spoken a word. This moment was the first time that Ettie had heard her sweet voice.

Erik's face appeared to soften, and he gave her a gentle kiss on top of her head.

That seemed to signal an agreement between the two of them. With a smile flashed at Erik, Fifi skipped out of the sitting room.

Amelie walked in to see Erik, and said quietly, "Hey, how are you feeling?"

"Ggggg... gooooo.... Dddd," he stuttered.

"Good?" Erik nodded. "I'm glad." Amelie replied, "You need to eat something. My sister says that you might have a hard time swallowing if you did have a stroke, so if you'll let me, I'll help you."

Erik nodded.

Very slowly, Amelie helped Erik to sit up. While the right side of his face was deformed, there was an obvious droop to it that confirmed their suspicions that he had indeed had a stroke. Ettie brought in a bowl of gruel. "This should go down easy," Ettie said.

Ettie handed the gruel to Amelie who then sat with Erik and fed him spoonful after spoonful. When the bowl was empty. Erik grabbed Amelie's hand and held it for a moment then he placed both of their hands on his heart.

God, I wish she knew how much I appreciated their kindness, Erik thought to himself.

Amelie stared into Erik's eyes and saw the heartfelt appreciation for the kindness. She smiled at him, "I know... Even if you could speak right now, you wouldn't need to say anything. This is how people are supposed to treat each other."

Erik's eyes filled with tears.

"None of that," Amelie shook her head as her own eyes filled with tears too. "We have to get you walking."

Erik nodded and allowed Amelie to help him stand up. Then, with his arm around her shoulder, they slowly walked down the hallway. When they got to the end, Erik had to stop to rest, but then they continued all the way back to the sofa. He nearly collapsed with exhaustion.

"You're doing great, Erik. Really, I mean it."

He gave her a weak smile.

"Well, I should let you rest. I'll be back with lunch later."

A few minutes after Amelie left, Fifi came into the sitting room carrying a stack of children's books. She crawled up next to Erik on the sofa and opened the first book.

Without a word between the two of them, they read more than fifteen books. Even though there were no words between them, Erik's left arm wrapped around Fifi and her tiny body curled up next to Erik's spoke volumes. The two of them were going to be inseparable.

Author's Note:

Hey! Let me know what you think! I'm really into this plot line so far, so I'm hoping you are too! Please vote and comment!

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