Chapter 17

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Madame Giry helped Amelia to clean up while Richard and Father Martin sat with Erik. Seeing Erik like this made Richard realize that he did in fact do the right thing by protecting Erik.

It was painful to watch. Father Martin held Erik's hands and they prayed together, but Erik couldn't stop himself from crying. Finally gaining some composure, he whispered, "It's all my fault."

"Erik, it is not your fault," Father Martin spoke calmly.

"No, I yelled at her, and the stress of them coming for me... I can't bear it."

"Erik, your wife needs you to be there for her. She's what's most important right now."

"Monsieur... Erik... May I call you that?" Richard asked.

Erik nodded.

"My wife and I prayed for a child for many years and were never granted one, but now, I have Antoinette and Meggie. It's not what I thought having a family would look like, but it's wonderful. You and Amelie will figure it out, and seeing you two together, I know that you will find happiness. But for what's it's worth... I'm sorry, and I'm happy to be a support for you if you need one."

Erik nodded again and offered Richard a weak smile.

Madame Giry emerged from the washroom with a smile on her face, "Good news... It was only a bit of blood, and from what I can tell, you have not lost the baby."

Erik ran past Madame Giry and into the washroom where his wife sat perched on the edge of the tub. "Madame Giry thinks we're still having a baby..." Amelie let out a cry, "Oh, Erik, I was so scared!"

"I know, Amelie. I am sorry for my temper and for yelling at you. I shouldn't have done that, and I am sorry."

Amelie stood and wrapped her arms around Erik, "I love you. I love you so much," he whispered, "You are everything to me."

Amelie buried her head in his chest, "I love you, Erik. I can't lose you. Fifi can't lose you."

Erik held his wife closely and tried to calm her nerves. "Mom-Mom?"

"Oh, Fifi! Come here, sweetheart. Everything's okay."

"Even the baby?"

"We think so," Amelie kissed Fifi's head.

Erik put his arm around Fifi, "Are you alright, Feef? I know that was scary."

Fifi nodded, "Pops, you won't leave, right?"

"Of course not," Erik replied.

The three of them hugged and decided they all needed some rest. They headed into Erik's and Amelie's room and laid down on their bed.

They had just settled in and calmed down when Erik heard a noise outside. He crept to the window where he spotted a woman with familiar locks of curly hair. She was trying to climb the house, and he ran outside, "What are you doing?" he hissed in the darkness.

"Angel!" She quickly climbed off of the trellis and ran to Erik. "Angel, where's your mask?"

He turned his head to the side away from her.

"I need you to come back with me... I have lost my music... You made my song take flight, and now I have nothing. Please, Angel... I am miserable without you!"

"And I have never felt such joy in my life."

"But I love you!"

For a very brief moment, Erik felt a pang in his chest. Those words were all he ever wanted to hear from Christine. However, he no longer loved her.

"If you truly loved me, you would see that I am happy and not want me for yourself."

"Please, Angel!!! I will... I will..." She raised a revolver from behind her back to her forehead. "I'll do it!"


"Don't come any closer!" She yelled waving the gun around. "Or I'll..."

It was too late... The weapon had fired.

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