Chapter 9

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Amelie tucked Fifi into bed as soon as they got home from her church.

"I'm too excited to sleep!"

"Fifi, you know Père Noël can't come if you're not asleep."

Fifi groaned, but smiled, "Okay. Night night. Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas, Fifi. I love you." Amelie kissed her head.

"Where's Erik?"

"I'm not sure. Erik!"

Erik came to the doorway a few moments later, "Yes?"

"Fifi wanted you," Amelie said as she stood up.

"No! I wanted all of us together... like family."

"Oh..." Amelie said as she laid down next to Fifi, "Just a few minutes."

Erik laid down on the other side of Fifi, "Merry Christmas, Feef. Sleep well." He placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

They laid there together for a few minutes until it was clear that Fifi was sound asleep. Then Amelie and Erik crept out of the room and went to the sitting room where their Christmas tree stood.

"I have a lot of work to do," Amelie said while stretching and yawning.

"Can I be of any help?"

Amelie hesitated for a moment, but then replied, "Sure."

The two of them spent several hours wrapping gifts and decorating them with bows. Amelie also began to prepare the Christmas feast.

Finally, everything was ready for Christmas Day. As Amelie began to walk toward her bedroom, Erik stopped her. "Amelie?"


"Thank you for today. Church, Christmas Eve... It was nice."

"You're welcome. Just wait for Christmas Day. It's even better. Merry Christmas, Erik."

"Merry Christmas, Amelie."

Amelie and Erik had woken up first and had started breakfast and coffee while Fifi slept. Earlier than usual, Fifi came running into the kitchen. "Did Père Noël come?"

"Well, Merry Christmas to you too," Erik laughed, "Shall we check?"

Fifi led Erik into the sitting room and squealed with delight.

"Fifi, pick one to open before breakfast!" Amelie called.

Fifi picked a present and sat down to open it. Amelie watched her and smiled, "It's paper to draw on!"

"I guess that means you better get busy, my little artist."

"Amelie, may I give Feef a gift?"

"Of course." 

Fifi went over to Erik and sat next to him on the couch. He placed a present in her lap. She opened it and found a music box fit for a princess. A sweet tune played as a tiny girl danced, "I composed this song, especially for you. It's called Josephine the Rose."

Amelie nearly wept. "That's beautiful, Erik..."

While they played with the music box, Amelie went to check on the meal. A few minutes later, Erik and Fifi joined her in the kitchen. 

They spent the day happily together: caroling at the piano, reading stories, opening gifts, and playing games. Fifi had gifted Erik and Amelie with drawings, and Fifi had been showered with gifts. 

Finally, Fifi was exhausted and fell asleep. Amelie carried her up to bed and returned to the den where Erik was watching the fireplace. She sat down next to him and handed him a small package, "Merry Christmas."

"Amelie... You didn't have to."

"It's not much because I didn't know what to get you...."

Erik opened the package to find musical composition paper and a nice set of pens and ink wells. 

"Ever since I heard you playing for Fifi... I saw how happy it made you, so I thought it was something that you might want to continue."

"Thank you, Amelie. Truly."

She nodded, and Erik hesitated awkwardly, "I also have a gift for you. He handed her two packages. The first, she opened and gasped. Inside the box was a beautiful strand of pearls, "Erik! How did you... Why did you... I've never received such a nice gift. Thank you. Can I hug you?"

Erik nodded despite the lump he felt in his throat. No beautiful woman would ever willingly touch him... Christine never did. 

Amelie let go of him and began to open the next present. Again, she gasped, "Erik... I can't..." Inside the second package was a huge amount of money.

"Yes, you can," he pushed the money back toward her, "You have taken care of me for three months. I owe you much more, but that was all I had on me when we fled the opera house. It is all I have to my name."


"Amelie, please."

"Thank you... I guess that's all I can say. I'll put it away for Fifi and her needs."

Erik smiled at Amelie. "Why don't we crack open that wine the priest gave us?"

Amelie gave Erik a smile, "Sure."

The two sat together for a long time sipping on their glasses of wine. For once, they felt slightly relaxed around each other. 

"Amelie, what did you know of me as the Phantom of the Opera?"

"Not much," Amelie shrugged. "I know they talked about you, but none of them liked me. I became a ballerina to follow my dreams, but ended up living in my own personal hell."

"I'm sorry that it was that way for you."

Amelie shook her head, "It's over now. What did you know of me?"

"Not much," Erik replied. "I was too blinded by Christine to notice anyone or anything else... too blinded to see what I was doing to people. Tell me something. Why did you come back after the fire?" 

"To find you and warn you."

"Be truthful."

"You and I are more alike than you would believe. My heart broke for you when Christine unmasked you and displayed your greatest insecurity to the world. It wasn't right and then the mob was going to put you on display and have you stoned? I couldn't take it. I'm not all that adventurous, so I almost turned back. Then I heard you fall or move and I had to find you."

"Be honest. Do you regret it?"

"Not for a minute."

"Do you regret coming with me?"

"Not because of you and Feef, but sometimes because of the inconvenience that I cause you. God, as much as you piss me off, you're too good for this world."

Amelie giggle, "Oh stop. You're toasted and getting sappy."

Erik leaned in as if he was going to kiss her until a tiny voice called from the stairs, "I had a nightmare and can't sleep!"

"Duty calls," Amelie sighed. 

"I'll come with you."

Amelie glanced at Erik and smiled as he followed her slowly up the stairs. 

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