All for you

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"Are you Kongpob?" A voice asks and Kongpob lifts his head from where it was buried in his text book to see a familiar young man standing in front of him, expectant expression on his face. He has warm brown eyes and his hair is pushed back from his forehead, styled with enough gel that it screams that he's insecure about how it looks, to Kong at least. He's wearing a maroon engineering jacket and worn denims with holes in the knees that don't look like they've been made as a fashion choice.

For a moment, Kongpob lets himself imagine that the holes were made because Arthit spends a lot of his time on his knees. And it's the thought of him on his knees, in front of Kongpob, with that sinful mouth wide open, waiting for him to slot inside, that causes him to shudder where he sits.

It takes him a second to push the impure thought aside and to focus back on the man standing in front of him, expectant expression on his face as he waits.

"Who's asking?" Kongpob asks, snapping himself back to reality, straightening his back as he looks up at this guy, this guy who is clearly nervous yet doesn't seem like he's got high expectations of Kongpob's reply.

"Oh. Well. I'm Arthit. I'm from.."

"Engineering?" Kongpob cuts in, eyes flickering over the guy's jacket, especially pausing on the tightness around his biceps, making it clear that Kongpob is easily able to identify his faculty at a hundred paces with no help at all.

"Yeah, there." Arthit looks a bit surprised, but makes his face relax as he continues, "Look, are you Kongpob? Because I'm here with a message and I'd really hate to give it to the wrong guy." Then Arthit folds his arms defensively, muscles bulging in his forearms and drawing Kongpob's eyes in again, making him wonder what they would feel like wrapped tightly around him or how easily he might be able to lift Kongpob up with them and hold him against a wall (and how amazing that might feel).

Again, he shakes himself out of his daze and looks back up to watch Arthit who shuffles from foot to foot under his heated eyes, then wai's politely at the older student, "Yes, I'm Kongpob. Who's the message from, P'Arthit?"

"It's from Minnie. Apparently, they are in charge of contestants from other faculties now, or something, for the competition," Arthit says, averting his eyes for a moment and then looking back and giving Kongpob a once over that makes him want to take all his clothes off and shove Arthit against the bench he's sitting at, "They want to know if you're ready for the Moon and Stars contest? They said I should ask you to come over because you're late? They were quite insistent."

Kongpob takes a deep breath and wonders how Arthit feels about him being late, if he likes the fact that Kongpob is a bit of a rebel, if it turns him on.. "Did they also tell you that Economics students are terrible at keeping time and that they shouldn't be trusted to take part in any kind of competition ever?" Kongpob raises an eyebrow and then winks to see the reaction.

Arthit frowns at him and Kongpob can see that he is clearly trying to work out how to reply without giving away the fact that Minnie had said all those things, and underneath the frown, Kong senses something more, an interest perhaps. Interest in Kongpob, in why he's his campus moon and hopefully, interest in what he's subtly trying to offer Arthit with his soft smiles and his intense eyes and his heated tone.

"Well, yes, actually." Arthit admits finally, seemingly deciding that Kongpob isn't trying to take the piss. "And.. they said that if I didn't get you there in the next five minutes I could kiss my pink milk goodbye.. and," he pauses and his look turns sinful as though he's entertaining the thought of some lewd sex act and not a drink, "I really like my pink milk, so that would be a problem!"

Immediately, Kongpob wants to be pink milk.. pink milk that Arthit sucks hard at and makes lewd noises enjoying. Or, Kongpob wants to have pink milk so that he can drip it all over his naked body and have Arthit lap it up from his heated skin, tongue tracing pathways.. he stops himself going any further as he feels the tell-tale tightness is his trousers. Either way, he wouldn't mind having something to do with pink milk which he would usually avoid at all costs since it's so sickly sweet.

Kongpob watches as the man's lips twist into something sexy and fierce and he wonders if Arthit can read his mind? If he can, does he want it too?

Kongpob can't help grinning cheekily at Arthit, wild thoughts about the sexy things that mouth could do, dancing through his head, "Sounds about right. Pink milk is very very important." He agrees, then winks as Arthit turns roughly the same colour as his favourite drink, "Well, luckily for you, I've finished my reading for now, so I guess I could come with you!"

Arthit makes a flapping motion with his hands as though to hurry him along, but at the same time he has a slightly confused and expectant expression, "Why does P'Minnie need you anyway? I thought they were only in charge of my department? And, I thought all the rehearsals were over, the Moon from Engineering said he's finished anyway.."

Arthit trails off and shoots Kongpob a look that plainly tells him he didn't mean to say that or sound so interested, then he turns away and looks straight forward affecting an air of disinterest.

For a moment, Kongpob stares at his ass, presented to him in those loose, hokey jeans and imagines he's meeting him the day after they fuck, Arthit embarrassed but still eager to see Kong, twisting away from him so that he can pretend he isn't. But as their eyes met, Kong's fierce and Arthit's shy, Kongpob would know that Arthit could still feel the ghost of his cock inside him just from the way he licks his lips.

Yes, Kongpob is definitely interested in fucking this guy. But first he needs to see if Arthit might be as into him as his looks suggest?

"Oh," Kongpob laughs at last, hastening to catch Arthit up and deciding to put his senior out of his misery, "Well Minnie's in charge of the whole event actually, they're so good at organising things! My partner's been sick, my star, so we agreed to rehearse whenever she can - I guess P'Minnie managed to grab her too. Though I'm surprised they didn't send you to go get her, I think Lai would have suddenly felt better at the sight of you!" Kongpob smiles but dials back the heated looks as Arthit ducks his head, embarrassed, "By the way, are you sticking around for the rehearsal?"

Arthit glances back over and Kongpob tries to pretend he's not interested in his answer at all, even though he rather is, "Depends on what P'Minnie says, I owe them big style so I'm kind of at their beck and call today. Who knows, maybe I'll be trying to round up Comm Arts students next or something equally terrible! At least you were easy to find. I can see why you're the Econ Moon, you're very popular, did you know?"

Kongpob hums, aware that he could answer that question in a number of ways, but chooses to stay silent as they reach the hall where the contest will take place. Although, Kongpob's reputation amongst a certain set of students is one he wouldn't mind Arthit being aware of, if he's honest, he doesn't think that the older man is talking about his 'fucking prowess'. Which is a shame, really.

Although, perhaps, today might change that?

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