All for you 3

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Several, painful hours later, Arthit's calves are burning from the high heels and he's had enough of Minnie telling him she's desperate to paint his face and give him some contour. He's strutted and sat and sung and played, to the point that he could be a Campus Star, and he's utterly sick by now of the song they've been playing. Plus, Kongpob has been shooting all of these.. looks.. across at him the whole time, and Arthit isn't certain they mean what he thinks they mean.. though he's got his suspicions that they do and he really hopes he's right.

They do of course. Kongpob's looks definitely mean that he wants to scoop Arthit up like Italian ice cream and devour him whole. He just needs a reason to get him alone in his room first, because if he jumps him out here, he'll get arrested for sure, the things he wants to try!

Eventually, Minnie thanks them for their patience and tells Arthit they'll keep his committed attitude a secret. They also promise to deliver pink milk to the hazing room after every session which cheers Arthit up until his thighs complain and burn as he turns to leave.

He and Kongpob stagger out of the hall and Kongpob offers him a weak smile, "Well P'Arthit, I bet you never imagined you'd have to do that one day? I thought you did exceptionally well, especially balancing in those heels!" Then he winks cheekily and Arthit's heart thumps a merry tune in his chest and his dick pulses along in time from inside his jeans.

But he can only groan in reply and weakly accept Kong's offer of a drink at the nearby bar as recompense. Normally, Arthit would be reluctant to hang out with one of his juniors, but Kongpob isn't from his faculty after all, and he's just been through quite a traumatic experience and the best way to overcome any trauma is drinking himself silly - any good student knows that!

Plus, there's a promise in Kongpob's fiery eyes and the night floats ahead of them.. empty and hot with possibility, and truly, Arthit thinks that anything could happen.

Over beers, they talk about their university experiences and when Arthit admits to being the head hazer for his faculty, Kongpob takes a moment to fully appreciate the thoroughly sexy thought of Arthit ordering freshmen around, but then he frowns and whips out his phone and asks, "Do you recognise him?"

It's one of Arthit's freshmen, M, he thinks. "Yeah, yeah I know him. M, right?"

Kongpob smiles a sly, little grin, "He says his head hazer is a slave driver? Which must mean that's you, right? And that I haven't experienced true pain unless I've been through one of your workouts!"

"Oh, he does, does he? And would you like to? Try out some of my exercises?" Arthit leans in with a cheeky wink, almost certain he's reading the signals right as Kongpob slides the phone back into his pocket and then leaves his hand resting in the gap between their thighs.

Kongpob nods in reply and wonders if he should push it further, but decides to give Arthit the chance to make the next move. He's made his position pretty clear after all and Arthit seems to be reading the signals right.

Arthit is feeling reckless, full of buzzing adrenaline as he nudges his own hand into the tiny gap left between their thighs. Then he looks up and straight at Kongpob whose smirk has reached his eyes. When Kong hooks his little finger over his, Arthit smirks back.

"M told me you make them sit-stand and squat til their thighs are burning? Is that true?"

Arthit widens his eyes and aims for something innocent, but it only makes Kongpob laugh and reach out with his free hand to knock it against Arthit's shoulder, then leaves it there, a warm invitation, "Do you get off on it or something?"

Arthit takes a sip of his beer and leans closer, breath ghosting over Kongpob's ear, relishing the way the other man shivers, "Not watching my freshmen do that, no. Watching another freshman I've just met try it out.. maybe.."

"Good." Kongpob says firmly, then takes a deep breath before he says exactly what he's thinking, watching Arthit's cheeks pinken into a beautiful blush, "Because I could get off on the thought of you sit-standing, while hovering over my lap and my cock is so hard and you take me so well," Kongpob feels Arthit shudder against him and squeezes the warm hand he's now holding.

"Oh.. do you.." There's a shake in Arthit's voice and it doesn't sound like a question at all. His eyes have turned into liquid chocolate and he looks excited for a moment.

Kongpob's smile widens and he lowers his own voice too, "So, how many beers do you need to agree to come back to my room? And I mean that in a totally non-skeezy, consensual way. Just I know that some guys prefer to be a little souped up before they're up for anything.. thought I'm pretty sure I'm reading your signals right."

Arthit barks out a laugh and swallows down the last of his beer, "You only think I'm interested and you say something like that?" He pauses and Kongpob watches his Adam's apple bob up and down before he continues, "I'm ready now, if you want to go?"

"If I want to?" Kongpob is so ready his cock feels like it could explode any moment from where he's had to tuck it into the waistband of his pants to stop it tenting his trousers.

He offers Arthit a slow smile that reaches his eyes, crinkling them at the corners and lowers his voice into something he's been told is very sexy, and says, "Oh, I'm ready for you P'Arthit. I only hope you're ready for me," Then he gives him a lazy wink and stands to leave.

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