All for you 2

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Inside the hall, P'Minnie is stalking backwards and forwards on the stage, hips swaying, hand to their mouth as they wait, "Oh finally!" They yell as they catch sight of the two young men entering the room, "I thought you'd never make it! Now, over here lovely young Kongpob! Arthit.. you can.. hang out over there." They point to the side, distracted by Kongpob's arrival, "I still need you though, Arthit! Pink milk's on the seat."

Kongpob and Arthit exchange a quick glance and then Kong darts down the bleachers and leaps gracefully onto the stage while Arthit pretends not to watch the way his muscles flex beneath his plain white shirt.

And Kongpob pretends not to notice him, pretending not to notice.

Minnie greets Kongpob with a quick hug and then rapidly explains that Nong Lai is still sick but that they'll help Kongpob out with their rehearsal and stand in for his star.

Kong grins and thanks Minnie and then they turn and walk to the back of the stage. Meanwhile, Arthit sinks into a seat and brings a straw to his mouth, gulping down his pink milky sustenance. He lets it dangle from his lower lip as he watches Kongpob offer Minnie his arm and escort them onto the stage until they are standing where a spotlight will be.

Kongpob doesn't stop walking even as his eyes meet Arthit's, and they drop to trace the movement of his soft, pink tongue poking out and lapping at the drop of milk on his lip. For a second, Kongpob imagines Arthit's licking at his cum after Kong's exploded all over his face. It's so fucking hot, Kongpob misses a step and almost trips which is a little mortifying. Minnie looks at him sharply and he shoots them an apologetic smile and then they get on with it.

From the auditorium, Arthit watches and feels a rush of desire flood through him as Kongpob keeps on.. looking at him.

They go through the motions that Arthit recalls from first year when he came to support his own faculty Moon and Star and he grins as Minnie constantly corrects Kongpob, moving an arm or a leg or tweaking a hair on his head. As he watches, Arthit kind of wishes he was the one adjusting Kongpob's limbs if only for the chance to brush his hands over those firm looking muscles and for the chance to smell the delicious scent of him which had wafted towards Arthit earlier.

Arthit manages to shift his attention back to Kongpob and Minnie as a pair and he watches as they wander backwards and forwards, Kongpob's expression becoming a little more strained each time There's a long pause where neither Minnie nor Kongpob moves and his frown depends and Arthit wonders if Kongpob would like it if he offered to wipe that look off his face somehow.. maybe with some kind of display of naked skin..

For a moment, Arthit toys with the idea of removing his shirt and giving Kongpob a little show.. flexing his biceps that he's worked so hard at in the gym with Knott. He's the first guy he's felt such intense and instant attraction for in a long time. And he can tell that Kongpob is interested in him too - no-one spends that long watching another guy suck on a straw if they aren't.

But he's glad he stays fully clothed a few minutes later.

Kongpob and Minnie walk up and down a few more times and then, eventually, Minnie seems pleased. But then they throw up their hands in shock, "How can I direct your talent when I'm on stage with you?!"

They pace backwards and forwards for an extended moment while Kongpob shrugs his shoulders at Arthit and tries to hide his smile behind one manicured hand.

Manicured hand.. oh Arthit realises, I've got it bad, haven't I, if I'm noticing his fingernails! But a moment later, he realises that it's actually much worse.

Arthit knows he'd had a surge of attraction for Kongpob from the moment he'd been pointed his way and seen the tousled haired man leaning over, intent on his book. Kongpob had looked incredibly handsome and had given off an air of confidence and maturity despite being a first year.

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