All for you 7

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They all end up at one of the campus bars. It's rammed full of Stars and Moons and their supporters and Arthit has to elbow his way through them all to find his friends.

Predictably, Bright is talking about one of the stars from another faculty and lamenting the fact that she wasn't interested in him while Prem pretends to be interested in the conversation and scans the room.

Kongpob wanders away to find his friends while Arthit and Minnie join the gaggle of engineers in the corner.

"Can you believe Econ won?" Tootah asks as they arrive and Minnie immediately starts to explain exactly why Kongpob was a deserved winner.

Arthit's friends pretend to be angered that their own faculty didn't take first place, but he doesn't join in. Instead, his eyes track Kongpob to where he's sharing a one-armed hug with a young man he recognises from hazing. It must be the friend Kongpob mentioned during their first meeting, he decides.

He startles from his observation when Minnie says his name, looking over to find Bright convulsing in laughter over Tootah's shoulder while both Prem and Knott attempt to hide their own amusement.

"Arthit?" Tootah is saying, loudly, "Arthit helped? No chance.. that's impossible!"

"He did!" Minnie insists and then whips out their phone and loads up a video that Arthit wasn't aware existed. He's too far away and the crowd has shifted so that there are too many people between them now for him to get over there quickly and stop it.

The sound of him and Kongpob singing, their voices blending seamlessly, pours from the speakers, and around them people stop chatting and lean in to listen.

Arthit can feel his cheeks heating up as he fights his way through the throng to reach his friends, just as Kongpob looks up at the sound and locks their eyes together.

Kongpob tilts his head and Arthit shakes his as he keeps fighting towards his friends.

"Minnie!" He yells, reaching out for the phone which is pulled higher, so that he can't get to it. "Minnie! You said you wouldn't mention this again! You said you'd never mention it!"

"I'm not mentioning it!" Minnie shouts back as the volume of their phone increases and the song continues to fill the room, "I'm showing it! Just be grateful it's not the one of you in a skirt!"

"Minnie!" Arthit groans as his friends and fellow engineers start to catcall around him. He tries to be angry, but fails as the song washes over him and reminds him of that day and the way his heart had soared as he and Kongpob had sung. Reminding him of something more, something intense and fearless and beautiful too.

Finally he reaches Minnie, just as Kongpob gets there from the other side, his freshman engineer friend in tow. "Minnie! Turn it off!"

"Come on Arthit! I didn't know you were a campus star!" Tootah exclaims, reaching out to pat his shoulder, "You sound amazing too, shame you couldn't enter! And what's this about a skirt?"

"Ai'Toot!" Arthit growls and shoots him a dark look, seeing the second that M flinches visibly at Kongpob's side.

"What? I guess you'll tell me about that later right? But, seriously, it's true, you and Nong Kongpob sound brilliant together. You should get together and perform more often."

Around him there are loud murmurs in agreement and Kongpob sends him a small smile.

"Umm Kong, you know P'Arthit?" Kongpob's friend asks, eyes widening as he looks between them, "And.. you're not scared of him?"

Kongpob laughs, his whole body shaking, "No, Em. I'm not scared of him. He's actually.. just a big softie when you get to know him!"

"Kongpob!" Arthit tries to frown at him, but he knows it comes out more like a fond grimace.

"What is it, Phi?" Kong asks cheekily, raising an eyebrow, and for a moment it reminds Arthit so much of the first time they had sex that his cock twitches in his pants at the memories that flood his mind, and he has to look away.

When he looks up, it's clear that Kongpob didn't miss it, if his smirk is anything to go by, "So, do you all think we sounded good together, Phi's?" Kongpob asks, looking at the circle that has gathered around them.

There's a general agreement from the crowd and Arthit finds himself smiling as he stares into Kongpob's eyes.

"Then, I guess we'd better practice, P'Arthit?" He asks, all innocence, when Arthit knows what he's really thinking.

"Now, Nong?" Arthit asks, shooting him an innocent look back, "Think we can borrow the guitar?"

"I'm certain we can, Phi. I think it might need your expert fingers to tune it though."

"Oh really.. Well, I suppose I could spend some time on that. Shall we head out?"

Arthit winks and Kongpob stutters, "Err.. yes, now. Let's go."

They leave to a round of applause as Minnie starts the song all over again and points at the pair.

"That wasn't a conversation about playing a song together, was it?" Prem asks as he leans into Knott's space.

"No, Prem. That was definitely not about a guitar. I guess we know who Arthit's fucking now!"

"A campus Moon.. he really doesn't do things like the rest of us, does he Knott?"

"Well, what else would you expect from our head hazer? He's a law unto himself. Want to bet on when he'll tell us?"

Prem laughs, "No way, I always lose bets to you. I'm far too poor for that."

"Shame," Knott replies and waggles a hand between Bright and Tootah, "I thought I might get these two idiots involved and up the prize fund.."

"Oh, good idea.. well okay, I might be amenable to a bet or two.."

Outside the bar, Kongpob drags Arthit into the alley off the side of it, "Come here, I can't wait," he says, voice husky with desire. Then he shoves Arthit against the wall and attacks his neck, nipping passionate kisses into Arthit's soft skin.

"Well, if this is what you winning gets me, I hope you enter many more contests," Arthit replies, lifting his chin to give Kongpob better access as his hands thread through his thick hair.

"I won it for you, Phi. It was all for you."

Arthit's breath hitches and he closes his eyes briefly, wondering what it means.

"I wanted to ask you," Kongpob continues, lifting his head back up and sliding their mouths close together, "Are you interested in dating me?" He kisses Arthit hard and then nuzzles back against his neck, "Exclusively, I mean?"

Arthit groans as Kongpob sucks another kiss just under his jaw, and pants loudly, "Yes. I want that, us, exclusive. Yes!" Then he tugs Kongpob's face up to his own and kisses him hard and fierce.

And then, when Arthit's finished making sure Kongpob knows exactly how he feels about becoming an official couple, they go back to Kongpob's dorm and don't tune the guitar.

They don't tune the guitar for several pleasant hours.

A few weeks later, Arthit thanks Minnie for bringing them together by sending them an engineering shirt that is covered in sparkles that they wear everywhere and thank him for in public, making Arthit blush!

And Knott wins the bet, to Prem's annoyance, when Arthit tells his friends that he's exclusively dating Kongpob the following month.

The End.

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