All for you 5

696 34 0

Warning: VERY M rated

Quickly, Kongpob's hands take over, sliding softly across exposed flesh, heel of his hand pressing at Arthit's cock as he tugs the jeans down his legs and helps him step out of them. Once he's peeled Arthit out of his trousers and has him almost half naked, he just stops and stares and Arthit feels like he's been stripped more than bare - feels like Kongpob can see into his mind or something and knows everything he's thinking, sees every little thing he wants the other man to do to him.

Actually, he hopes that's true, because it will save him a lot of time if Kongpob already knows how much he wants to choke on his cock and how much he wants to be pounded into his mattress - it's definitely been too long since his last round of sex!

Kongpob's eyes widen and he rests them on Arthit's cock which is straining to escape from the confines of his boxers, "Fuck! You're so eager, aren't you, but you need to wait for me to catch up, P'Arthit!" He strokes a long line down Arthit's thighs as he kneels in front of him. "I want you to keep the shirt on," he admits as he looks up at Arthit through his eyelashes, looking every inch a submissive lover, even though Arthit knows he isn't and that he is planning to fuck him so hard he won't be able to walk later. A shudder runs through him at the thought and he smiles down at Kongpob as he continues.

"It's such a hot look on you, that shirt," Kongpob says knowingly, rising to his feet and letting his fingers trail over the maroon material, bunching it up to slide fingertips over Arthit's abs and making him shiver in anticipation, "I love that I'm going to fuck you in your hazer shirt. I can imagine you, shouting out orders and bossing me around, all while I pound into you and you scream my name!"

Arthit whines, then lets a sly smile curl his lips, "Yes please, I want all of that. But first, I really want you to choke me with this." He reaches out a hand and squeezes Kongpob's cock through his trousers, loving the way he bucks his hips into his hand.

"Yes, I want that too. Let's get started.." Kongpob licks his lips and then reaches down and unlatches his belt, sliding it out of the loopholes, enjoying the way Arthit's eyes track his progress. When he unzips his trousers, Arthit's hand quivers at his side, but Kongpob shakes his head and Arthit nods, making a fist before he slides to his knees and watches as Kong undresses himself.

Kong takes his time, pulling the trousers down his legs and stepping out of them, giving Arthit a show as well as giving his cock the chance to prepare for Arthit's hot, wet mouth. He's barely able to contain his excitement at the thought of his senior opening up for him and being able to slide into his warm, wet cavern and... fuck!

While he has been known to come twice in a session, Kongpob doesn't want to rely on being able to today, especially after a few drinks, so he unbuttons his shirt slowly, giving himself time to prepare.

When he's ready, he gives Arthit a lazy wink and then bends his knees until he's seated on his bed, Arthit's dark hair between his parted legs, "Ready?"

Arthit doesn't answer, just sticks out his tongue and licks a long wet stripe up Kongpob's cock, enjoying how it jerks at his touch. He lifts his head slightly so he can look up and is pleased to see that Kongpob is watching him, expression pure lust, eyes dark and mouth slack, "Do it again," he commands, voice a little shaky, and Arthit does.

When he's got Kongpob's cock slippery wet from a few sloppy licks, Arthit opens his mouth and sucks the crown in, sliding his mouth down, hand wrapped around the base to stop him twitching too much, he sucks hard and Kongpob lets out a guttural groan, "Fuuuck, yes!"

Then Arthit starts to slip his mouth up and down, opening his throat so Kongpob can slide in deeper. After a few times, he reaches out and pulls the younger man's hands from where they're clasped tightly on his knees and places them on his head.

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