All for you 6

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But eventually they have to pull away, the warm come turning sticky and tacky and sticking them together by the tiny hairs on their bellies. Kongpob pulls out as gently as he can, and stalks, naked, over to his bathroom to grab a wet cloth and wipe the come from Arthit's belly.

Arthit relaxes in Kongpob's care and stays on his bed, watching the stretch of Kongpob's muscles and the swell of his ass as he moves. It's truly a spectacular view and he's grateful that he came here with Kongpob so that he could see it.

Eventually, Kongpob drops back onto the bed, condom and washcloth dealt with, and pulls Arthit into his arms, dropping a tender kiss on his forehead. "Can we cuddle for a bit?" He asks and Arthit's heart swoops around in his chest as he nods his ascent. Then Kong drags the covers up and over their naked bodies and they both fall into a light sleep.

When Arthit wakes up, it's to the press of Kongpob's hard cock against him and he turns in his embrace to kiss him awake and then asks if he's interested in another round..

The second time is slow and hot. Kongpob rolling his hips over and over until Arthit feels tingles shoot through him and they come together.

Later, they make it into the shower, sliding soaped hands into the intimate crevices of each other's bodies. "This feels right," Kongpob whispers against Arthit's neck, though he strains to hear it over the running water.

Arthit grazes his lips over Kongpob's collarbone and whispers back, "Want to do it again?"

They meet up five times more before the Moon and Stars competition. Each time, they enjoy a frantic fuck followed by Kongpob asking Arthit if he will stay and Arthit sinking into the warmth of his embrace without a care.

They don't talk about what it is, just enjoy each other's company in every way they can. But one time, after the fourth time, Kongpob makes an offhand comment, "You're not fucking with anyone else right?" And Arthit agrees that he's not and he kind of wants to ask Kongpob if he'd like to make their fucking exclusive. But he doesn't - he's too scared Kong might say no.

But the night of the Moon and Stars competition, Minnie grabs Arthit and beckons him to come backstage with them. He shrugs at his friends as they part, unsure what he could say to them about why he's being asked to help.

He finds Kongpob pacing the length of one of the corridors, wearing a dark suit that makes his trim waist look even slimmer and his long legs look even longer. It's a fucking attractive sight and Arthit has to jam a hand over his cock and think unsexy thoughts about Bright and Tootah and the noodle eating competition they had years ago that had ended with them covered in slippery trails of gravy and bits of cabbage in their hair.

When he reaches Kongpob, he stretches out his fingers to brush against his arm, bringing him to halt beside him.

"P'Arthit!" Kongpob exclaims and then launches himself into his arms, fingers grasping at his clothes and tugging Arthit in as close as he can get him as he nuzzles under his chin.

"Kongpob?" Arthit says into his hair as his own hands come up to support his back, "What's wrong?"

"Stage fright," Kong barks out and snuggles in tighter, "I didn't think it would feel like this."

"But you were amazing," Arthit says and pulls back to look at him, "In our rehearsal, you were incredible, Kong. I really think you're going to win."

Kongpob shakes his head, but then he leans in to kiss him on the mouth, once, then again, "Thank you for coming, I didn't think you would."

"Wouldn't have missed it for the world," Arthit replies and then takes the chance to kiss him back while they are both in the mood. He's never kissed him somewhere public before and it feels different, a bit wild and freeing and good, it feels good.

Kongpob grins and kisses him more slowly, "This is nice," he says between brushes of their mouths, echoing Arthit's thoughts, "kissing you here and not in my room."

Arthit nods back and then deepens the next kiss, holding Kongpob's face in his hands and using his tongue to show him exactly how he feels.

"I think I'll do okay today," Kongpob says, panting a little as they finally pull back, "With your kisses as my good luck charm," he shoots him a winning smile and then steps back and smooths down his clothes, spending a little while on his trousers much to Arthit's delight.

Then he leans in for a final kiss and whispers in Arthit's ear, warm breath making him shiver, "When I win, will you be my prize?"

Arthit pulls away and gives him a heated look, "I just might be. But you have to win first!"

"No problem." Kong replies and then smirks as he turns and heads down the corridor and back to the backstage area.

Arthit goes back to his friends and watches the contest from the front, cheering for his own faculty candidates when they appear on the stage and then again, a little quieter, for Kongpob. His friends shoot him questioning looks, but he stays tight-lipped as he listens to Kong's answers to the questions and watches the way he confidently speaks.

It's extremely attractive and he's pleased to see that all their hard work with Minnie has paid off. In fact, Arthit feels a pang of disappointment when they reach the talent part. He kind of wishes he could be up there with Kongpob, harmonising with him and playing for him.

The Economics star does a decent job though and they are the strongest pair for sure. Arthit feels almost certain they are going to win, so he slips away before it can be announced and sneaks into the backstage area where he waits, pacing nervously.

Eventually, Minnie appears, Kongpob and his partner in tow, ready for their pictures. They bustle around, getting them in the best place for their close ups, adjusting their sashes and flowers until they're happy with them.

Then, Minnie heads over to Arthit and rests their arm on his shoulder, "What did you say to Kongpob?" They ask, leaning in, "Whatever it was, it was like magic! Look at him! All his fears melted away and he was an absolute darling on the stage!"

Arthit doesn't know how to reply, just continues to watch Kong as Minnie keeps up a constant stream of chatter in his ear.

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