All for you 4

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Warning: M rated

They walk side by side, arms brushing as they head for the dorms, excitement building in Arthit's belly with every step. He's surprised to see that Kongpob is living in the building opposite him and once they're inside, he heads to the window and realises that his room is almost directly across from Kongpob's. The realisation makes him think of all the dirty things they could get up to just watching each other through the glass, and Arthit feels like he could cum without Kongpob touching him if he wanted to.

It's been an interesting day, definitely not a normal one for Arthit, but he thinks he's made a good decision coming here with Kongpob and finally acting on the sexual urges that have been building up throughout the hazing process. All those freshmen in his care have been trying his patience and he really needs this release. (There's a second where he thanks everyone he knows that Kongpob isn't one of his freshmen!)

It's rare that he does act on his interests - the last time had been a hurried wank during the summer with a guy he'd met online. Since then, he's had to make do with his own right hand and a lotof porn, so the thought of being with someone, of being with Kongpob, is sending thrums of pleasure through his body, heat pooling in his groin and making his cock twitch.

Arthit's aware that it's risky, getting with a freshman he's only just met, and with someone who knows a junior in his batch; but he can't fight the attraction that's been building ever since he set eyes on Kongpob, especially with the way his junior has been acting and looking at him not to mention the things he's been saying! He's never felt this instant attraction before so it was literally an offer that he couldn't refuse.

"Everything okay? Shall I shut the curtains? Or are you into an audience?"

Kongpob slides in next to him and drags his arm along Arthit's, setting off a flurry of sparks that dance over his skin and leave him momentarily lost for words.

"I mean," Kongpob continues, bringing up one of his manicured hands to trace a path over Arthit's jaw, turning him until their eyes lock, and then he grins cheekily, "I could be into an audience, but maybe not the first time?"

Arthit gasps as Kongpob drops his hands to bracket his hips, then pulls him flush against his groin. Gently, he rolls his hips and the rock hard bulge in Kongpob's trousers makes Arthit's half-hard cock jump to full-mast in an instant.

"Yeah.. give me more, please," he splutters, taking the initiative and gripping Kongpob's sides too as he rubs his cock against Kong's and tries to get him to thrust back.

"Okay, okay.. I love how eager you are but I prefer to be a little less clothed when I'm getting down to business," Kongpob says, pulling his groin lback so they're not touching, making Arthit whine low in his throat.

Kongpob leans in and nips a kiss against his neck then pushes Arthit back so he can slide the curtains closed. Arthit whines again as he watches the swell of his arse in his tight trousers and the flex of his biceps as he pulls at the material. He wants those arms around him again as soon as possible, so he inches in closer and tries to communicate this to the other man by rubbing up against him. Kongpob turns to face him and Arthit feels a fierce rush of desire.

He's classically handsome and for a moment he wonders why Kongpob wants him, until he remembers what his mother had said to him after he had come out to her.

"You will meet people in this life, My Oon, who will be rude and uncaring simply because you like men. You will meet people who are stronger willed than you, people who are weaker. There will be people who you think are better than you and people you could easily look down upon, and I'm not saying you have to like them all, but you do have to show respect for them and not make assumptions about someone just because of their outward appearance. You may be judged to be straight and you might choose to let people think that you are and that doesn't make you weak - it means you are controlling your own narrative and when you are ready you will share who you are with the world. But for now, remember that you are not inadequate, nor are you less of a man than anyone else. You are loved, you are special and you are just as good as everyone else you meet. You are my son and I love you."

Arthit feels his anxiety about his appearance recede and he spends a few seconds just looking at the man in front of him before he slides his fingers into the belt loops of his trousers and tugs, "Come here? I want to kiss you."

They meet in a crash of hungry mouths and wandering hands, Kongpob pulling him tightly against him and cupping the curves of his arse, lifting him slightly. Arthit finds himself groaning into the kiss, pushing his torso against Kongpob's, bringing his hands up to steady his head, fingers trailing over smooth skin as he slows the slide of Kong's mouth against his own.

"Mmm, that's good, kiss me more. You taste amazing," Kongpob slips his tongue into Arthit's mouth and kisses him harder. They trade long, wet kisses that make Arthit's toes curl in his socks and he moans loudly, vibrations tickling his lips.

Then Kongpob pulls back and just looks at him before he reaches out with a finger to touch Arthit's lower lip, dragging it down gently and then a little harder before he slides the finger into the cavern of Arthit's mouth and presses down against his tongue. "Fuck, you're hot! You've been taunting me all day with these lush lips of yours and you kiss like you can't get enough of it. So, how do you feel about me fucking your mouth?"

He raises one eyebrow and his words are so in contrast to the bookish guy Arthit had met earlier, that it's hard to believe they're the same person. Kongpob sounds earnest and confident and comfortable with what he's asking and Arthit feels the thrall of him and he wants to give it to him, he wants to feel the weight of Kong's cock on his tongue. So he nods furiously and sucks on the finger in his mouth and reaches down to tug Kongpob's shirt from his trousers.

Firm hands latch onto his and Kongpob draws his attention back up to his face, sliding his finger out, "Sorry, but can you tell me with words? Consent is important to me."

Arthit smiles, a real one that he knows reaches his eyes and nods again, "Yes please, Kongpob, I'd like to have your cock in my mouth, preferably hitting the back of my throat and filling me up so that I can only moan around it. I like it hard and I want you to make me feel good, please? Oh, if you have any flavoured lube, I'm up for that too."

Kongpob gives him a look that Arthit can't interpret beyond 'Yes, please, I want that too!' Then leads him over towards his bed, hand firm in Arthit's.

"I can tell, P'Arthit, that you are going to be quite something else in bed, aren't you?" Kongpob leans in and slides his tongue into Arthit's mouth again and tangles them together, "I think perhaps, you are much dirtier than that head hazer look suggests.." he says as he pulls back and shoots Arthit a heated look, "I think, we are going to have lots of fun together. And yes, of course I have flavoured lube, do you want cherry or raspberry?"

"Cherry, please," Arthit begins to shuck off his socks and then opens the button of his jeans, desire coursing through him as Kongpob watches hungrily, eyes wide as Arthit starts to reveal his milky skin.

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