Trying to Keep the Peace

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When the front door of the restaurant opens, Kilian sticks his head inside and motions us over with his arm. The car ride home is just as weird as the one to the restaurant, so it's Bang Out of Order to the rescue once again. Maybe they get tired of it but the driver picks the music, I'm pretty sure that's a rule written in stone. I play my favorite songs as loud as I can until we get back to my house.

We all pile out of the car and stand awkwardly in the driveway. At first sight everything looks normal but I can tell that there is a big cloud of tension hanging over the group. This is like the beginning of a horror movie, five kids are standing in the driveway of a seemingly well lit, safe neighborhood. There is petty drama between them but when they all have a new common enemy they learn to work together.

Hopefully, we can just move past the mortal danger part and skip straight to learning to work together. If I didn't think it would make matters worse I'd pull Kilian inside right now and sit him down. Since I don't know for sure what's going on I decide it's better to stay out of it for now.

"Where's your bike?" Gael says to Kilian. "I'll drop you off on my way home."

That seems like a nice friendly gesture, maybe they figured out whatever was wrong when they talked outside. Or maybe they just have more secrets to share. Ugh, I'm getting ahead of myself, my anxiety always makes me jump to conclusions before I know the full picture.

Either way, they're all waiting for me so I'm forced to open the garage door and wait to see what happens. Kilian steps inside to get his bike, after he walks it out he picks it up over his head and throws it into the back of the truck, aggressively. It lands with a loud clatter of noise.

I don't want Kilian to think he upset me but I couldn't help reacting to the sound, Quin jumped too so I pat her shoulder to calm her.

Declan looks at me and says, "I'm going to go with them," he continues but he's whispering under his breath now, "To make sure no one gets murdered."

I guess that's all I'm going to get tonight. I hug the boys in turn, I want to stop and hold onto Kil a little longer just to make sure that he's okay but I want to avoid the appearance that I'm taking a side. Especially since I don't know what's going on. So, after giving each boy a three second hug I loop my arm around Quin to bring her inside.

Before we go in I stop, turn around, wave and say, "See you tomorrow morning Kil, bright and early!"

I couldn't help myself, in reality, I'd probably always take Kilian's side.


Wow, today when I woke up I was just happy that it was Friday. It seemed like it was going to be another normal day but clearly that isn't the case. Besides what Kilian said he and Wren went through last night there has been all this drama about Homecoming. We aren't the kind of people who usually care about this stuff.

I'm not so shocked that Kilian is acting like a jealous, rage monster. I've had my suspicions about him and Wren for a long time but it's not like it's my place to say anything. I don't even know for sure.

What I am surprised about is Gael asking anyone to Homecoming but especially Wren. We usually go stag and just dance with all the girls, dancing is harmless fun and there are always plenty of girls there without dates. It's mutually beneficial but now he's going with Wren... as his date?

Mind blown.

Now, I'm in the tiny back seat of Gael's pick-up and it's a tight squeeze. The tension in the air doesn't make it any easier to fill my lungs. These seats were definitely not made for someone who is six feet tall. Thankfully, it's a short ride to Kilian's house.

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