It Happened in Lit

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I sit at a random desk, hoping to avoid any awkward interactions with my friends. They aren't here yet, are they together? How did he get to her before I did? This fucking mess is messy, there is just no other way to say it. The classroom starts to fill up and I got more and more nervous. There is one desk next to me and two at the back of the class. Kilian walks in alone, I try to act natural and nod in his direction, he shoots me a friendly smirk but goes to the back row and takes one of the desks.

Then it feels like all the air is sucked out of the room when Wren arrives, her red hair brings out her pretty blue eyes that I notice they are red rimmed, has she been crying? This just keeps getting worse and as she steps into the room she is quickly followed by Riley. Fuck this shit, why is the world out to get me? They probably are both pissed at me, Wrenny because she left me and I still don't know why, Riley because I danced with her and she decided that meant she owned me so I ducked out on her. See what I mean? Messy.

Before I can even catch Wren's eyes, Riley gives me a huge smile and glides over to the desk next to me. Shit. Wren saunters to the back of the room and takes her seat next to King Kilian, I swear it's like the guy can do no wrong.

Class starts and I try to ignore the fact that Riley's eyes are burning a hole in my head, and then Mrs. Patrick says the words we all dread, "Group Project." Normally it wouldn't be that bad because my friends are in class, but given the current state of things, I can't think of anything worse.

"Please take a moment to break into groups of four, you will be in these project groups for the remainder of the semester, so please do choose wisely," Mrs. Patrick continues.

My heart sinks, what now?


When I heard what that fucker said about my Wrenny my guts burned. I didn't know what to say so I just stared at the ground. He could have said and done much worse, I know, but after the way her dad treats her, I knew that cut her to her core. What could he even be talking about? On top of being incredibly pretty, Wren is our best friend and the sweetest girl we know. What the fuck was he thinking? Trying to hide just how angry I am, I spout out a random string of words to Wren. I make sure to tell her she is so pretty, but I'm trying to be casual. Somehow I get out of the interaction with a hug, and I realize this is what the brownie points must be for.

I walk with Wren to Lit class, trying to think of a plan. She pulls away from me just as we get close and says she wants to clean up in the bathroom. I left her to it and go to class. When I get there, I realize the seating arrangements left much to be desired. I know I have to sit next to Wren for moral support so I smile at Gael but head to the back row where there are still two seats available next to each other.

Soon after that, Wren walks into the room and her face is suddenly struck with panic. This is basically forcing her to choose me or Gael. Me, she has to choose me, brownie points and all that, but the decision is made for her when Riley comes in behind her and makes a beeline straight for Gael. A seemingly relieved Wren walks toward me and joins me in the back row.

Class starts and Mrs. Patrick starts rambling on about great romances in literature and Shakespeare and a bunch of other things I couldn't care less about until I hear the words, "Group Project." I suddenly sit at attention and immediately look at Wren to make eye contact, as if to claim her.

She says, "You can work with me, but you're not just going to be riding my coattails this time, O'Connell," as she gives me a playful smile.

The teacher keeps on talking and that's when I hear the next part, groups of four, what? Shit! There is no way we are getting out of working with Gael without ruining our entire relationship, so without even a glance at Wren, I wave him over. A new plan has just come to me, I'll force them to talk to each other and work this out. Problem solved.

He walks over to me as Wren and I started to push desks together. He stops short of the desks and stares at the chairs, trying to decide if he should sit next to Wren or me. What the hell is going on?

Before I can get a word in edgewise, Riley clambers over to us and says, "Need a fourth?" with so much excitement in her voice I thought she might explode.

Wren graciously nods her head and pats the chair next to her. Well, I guess, leave it to the women to decide everything for us.

We all exchange awkward glances, and soon the teacher starts to talk again, "This semester we're focusing on great romances in literature. Your task is to choose a classic piece of romantic literature and translate it into modern times. Each member of your group will be required to contribute to the class presentation by either reading a section of your work aloud or participating in acting out a part of your finished piece. This will be the only grade for this semester, so please do your best to concentrate on the themes that make your piece romantic."

Gael and I let out an aggravated groan at the exact same time, and for a minute everything feels normal.

"Where do we start?" I ask the girls while Wren rolls her eyes at us.

Mrs. Patrick drops a thick packet of paper on our table. "Start here, Mr. O'Connell, and please do not rely on the ladies to complete this task for you," she says as she glances between Gael and me.

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