So Close

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I'm sitting on the deck in my backyard with my friends; it's a nice place to be, with a pretty view of the pool. There's a small water feature that sounds relaxing. Explaining everything to them is going to be hard so I take a deep breath before I start.

"Gael, Declan, I owe you an apology, I've kind of kept you out of what's been really going on but I'm sorry I did," I start, "I thought I was protecting my family but it turns out I should have just been open and honest with you and I feel really bad, your friendship is important to me and I'm ready to share if you want to listen."

Kilian reaches out and puts a comforting hand on my shoulder then speaks up, "I own a little bit of this too, I didn't want to cross boundaries and blab her business but I appreciate you both showing up tonight to help without a lot of information."

"Guys, stop, what matters is we're here now, tell us or don't, you have my support no matter what," Declan says.

"True, I'd like to know what's going on but I'm here no matter what," Gael says.

I take a deep breath and start from the beginning, it's not really a secret that my parents drink but they didn't know to what extent. I take breaths to steady myself when I need to. When I get to the part about Robert, I make sure to remind them that not even my dad knows that yet. They are just looking at me, listening intently. Kilian's face looks pained, like he's hurting for me.

Now for the hard part, I look at Kilian, "I might need your help if I get too upset but it's okay for them to know everything so you can fill in the blanks," I say.

Kilian nods at me and just gives me a small, sweet smile. I am surprisingly able to get through the story on my own, when I talk about the fight with my mom, Gael clenches his fists.

"Don't you see, we couldn't tell anyone because I didn't know if my dad was going to take legal action and it was really sensitive," I try to explain, but Declan puts his hand up signaling me to stop.

"No explanation necessary, I'm sure we're both just glad you're okay," he says.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Of course, they aren't upset with me, these are my friends and I feel bad for ever doubting them.

"So tonight, my dad was trying to have like an intervention. He told my mom she can't be involved with us anymore unless she gets help. She did not take it well. She pointed the finger at me and told me it was all my fault, I blocked out a lot of what she said but she called me a little bitch and I just couldn't take it so I left," I explain.

"Wrenny," Kilian looks at me and his eyes are getting wet, "None of this is your fault."

Declan and Gael are both just nodding their heads in agreement.

"How about a group hug?" I say.

They all immediately stand up and spread their arms out. These are the best group hugs because I usually get to be in the middle and it's where I feel most safe.

"It's late and we have school tomorrow, but thank you all for being here for me, I really am sorry for worrying you and leaving you out, I love you guys," I say.

"I'll take you home Dec," Gael says.

I hug the boys and send them on their way, but Kilian lingers. He's looking at me tenderly and his face is so sweet. He tucks a lock of hair behind my ear and he's touching me so softly. He runs his fingers over my face where I no doubt have smeared makeup. I start to wonder if this could really be the moment that we finally... but then he boops my nose and chuckles.

"You're a weirdo," I say, laughing.

"You love it, see you tomorrow, I'll pick you up," he says with a wink.

I give him a quick hug and lock the door behind him. Now I finally get to go to bed but I turn around to see my dad coming downstairs just then. His face is sad and ashamed.

"I shouldn't have put you through that, I'm sorry, I never thought..." he's lost for words and his voice is cracking.

"It's okay daddy, I'm sorry I left," I say walking towards him.

He puts his arms out and pulls me into another hug, "I love you," he whispers into the top of my head.

I pull back, "I love you too, goodnight dad."


I get into Wren's car and start to head back to my house. This whole situation is so messed up; I can't believe that Cara is so far gone. She always seemed so nice and this seems really sudden. I just want to talk to Wren but I know she's tired and she had a bad day. I guess there is always tomorrow.

I'm home and inside before I know it. No one is home again. I go into my bedroom and hear my stomach growl loudly. I realize I haven't eaten since lunch and I'm starving. After rummaging through the kitchen I find a cup of noodles, it's better than nothing. I make myself my sad dinner and sit down in front of the TV, but right when I'm about to turn it on, I hear my phone ringing in the other room. I run to grab it, it's Wren.

"Hey, you okay?" I answer out of breath.

"Yeah, yeah, I just wanted to say thank you again," she fibs, I can hear it in her voice.

"You're welcome but I don't think that's why you called."

"You're right, it's because I'm sorry," she says sadly.


"I guess I kind of lied to you too, my mom has been getting worse for a while but I've been covering for her."

"Wrenny, if you want me to stop beating myself up, then you need to stop beating yourself up."

"I hear you, this is just a lot," she says with a sigh.

"I know, but you're the strongest person I know and you have a lot of back up."

"Thanks Kil, have I ever told you that you're the best?"

"Not nearly enough," I joke.

"Well you are."

"Only because you bring out the best in me."

"Flattery will get you everywhere, O'Connell."

"Tell me something I don't know."

I hear incoherent giggling and it's the best sound I've heard all day.

"Goodnight, Kil".

"Night, Wren."

I return to my sad dinner but I'm a lot happier now. After I finish eating, I go to bed and fall asleep easily.

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