Punk Rock Princess

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After I get home, I make quick work of my homework so that I can finish my dress. I'm a little bit lost in my own head when Quin comes into my room and interrupts my thoughts.

"Is that your dress!? I love it, have you tried it on yet?" she asks.

"Not fully, I actually need to because I'm almost ready to put the zipper in, wanna help me out? My shoulder still hurts," I ask, hoping she'll say yes.

"You know it!" she says with a smile on her face.

I strip down to my underwear and Quin helps me slide the dress over my head, it looks pretty good and my red accents are making my curves pop.

"Quinny, can you gather the edges and pull them together in the back?" I ask.

As soon as she does, I'm a little bit struck by how I look. I look like a grown up woman and it's strange, after all I'm used to seeing myself in ripped up jeans and hoodies.

"Wow Wren! Just wow, you did such a good job, this dress is so you!" Quin says excitedly.

"I kind of can't believe I pulled this off in just three days. Do you really like it?" I ask, as I slide my hands over my hips, suddenly feeling self-conscious, I can already hear my dad's comments.

"You look like momma," she says, but then gasps as if realizing what she said.

"It's okay, you're right, I do," I say, attempting to coddle my sister.

I walk over to my bookcase and pull out my mom's high school yearbook. I've been using them for reference because I wanted my senior yearbook to feel vintage. When I flip to the homecoming spread, there she is, my mom in all her glory, standing front and center as the queen. I do look like her, she is tall, but other than that we're really similar. I take a few more minutes to study myself in the mirror while Quin gawks at the yearbook. When I notice my chest and kind of wonder where these came from? But before I can figure that out, the doorbell rings.

Considering the fact that I'm still pretty exposed in my unfinished dress, Quin runs down to get it, I hear Kilian's voice. Uh, what do I do? Do I want him to see the dress? Maybe I would feel better to get his opinion; maybe this is super awkward because I don't want him to see my panties. As long as I don't turn around it'll be okay and before I have time to do much more thinking I can hear them both climbing the stairs. 

Kilian starts talking before he gets fully into my room, "Wrenny, I just wanted to see if you needed help cooking or any..." he stops, "Is that? Wow Wren, I... wow!"

He's standing in the doorway to my bedroom, mouth agape and I'm not sure what his face is saying. "Wow good or wow bad?" I ask.

Quin pushes past him, "Wait, you have to see the full effect," she says as she pulls the fabric tight around my back.

Kilian absentmindedly licks his lips and it makes my chest flutter. "Wow good, very good, I can't believe you made this!" he says. "You look like a punk rock princess," he finishes.

"See, I told you," Quin says in an annoying tone.

"Thanks you two," I say with a grin, "Kil, what's up?"

"I was just thinking about yesterday, I said I was going to help you out more, is there anything I can do today?" he asks with a sweet smile.

"Help me study math!" Quin answers before I can.

"Actually that would really help me, I've got to get out of this dress and get dinner going so if you have time...?" I ask and I feel super vulnerable, I was never good at asking for help.

"Sure, get your books Quin, I'll meet you downstairs," he says, giving me a one-fingered salute.

I can't help but smile. It feels like Kilian and I are becoming even more of a team now, the fact that he wants to help my little sister melts my heart. I knew he was good but he's quickly becoming too good to be true. After I close my bedroom door I get back into my regular clothes.


Wren drove herself to school today, and I just rode my bike. I've been getting really used to spending all my time with her but today it seemed like it was incredibly hard to get any alone time with her. Gael was sitting too close to her today at lunch. I swear their knees were touching and he put his arm around her more than once but I guess she liked it because she didn't move. This shit is doing my head in, I'm so glad Homecoming is tomorrow, it's like everything is going to happen tomorrow night. I'll get my answers about her and Gael and I'll know where I stand.

After school, I try to focus on my homework but I can't. I need to hang out with Wren, I hate that I'm feeling this needy, but that girl has a way of getting through my defenses. I look at the clock and realize somehow it's crawled into the evening which means that I can go help Wren cook dinner again, that is as good of an excuse as any. As I pull out my phone to text her, I decide to just show up instead, it will be harder for her to turn me away if I'm already there.

I ride my bike over to the McCauley's house and ring the doorbell. Quin lets me in and follows me up the stairs. I'm talking to Wren almost as soon as I get into the loft but then I look up and see her and freeze. I sound like a blithering idiot, I don't even know what I said. I want to reach my hand up over my mouth to stop any more from coming out. I clamp my lips down and stare at Wren.

She literally asks me if I like it? Do I like it? I love it! The only thing I don't like about it is that you're going to be wearing that on the arm of some other guy because right now I want nothing more than to make you mine. 

Quin saves me from myself momentarily as she bounds over to her sister to help her adjust the dress, but when Quin pulls the fabric and rights the dress, my breath catches. Shit, did I just lick my lips? I shake my head subtly and say something that I think is smooth. Punk rock princess? Isn't that a song? Dammit Kilian. 

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