Where I Want You

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We all swim for a while before Nolan and I get out and go about the day. We finish building the gazebo while the girls spend time in the pool. Wren makes us lunch at one point and we take a few minutes to hang out but before I know it we're back to it. I feel like I should tell Shane my whole plan but maybe it's too much information all at once. When the gazebo is finished Shane puts an arm around my shoulders and pats my back.

"Good job boys, it looks beautiful," he says, and his voice starts to crack.

Nolan gives me an awkward glance and I'm not really sure what to do but then Shane talks again.

"I wanted to build this for Cara but now, well she's gone," he's cries.

"I know this isn't easy for you but maybe it's for the best..." it's all I can think of to say and I hope that it's not crossing the line.

"You're wiser than your years, son," he says before he pulls me tighter to him.

"I think I'm going to go, I appreciate everything but I think I should leave you two to talk," Nolan says before he just heads out of the yard back toward our house.

And then there were two.

"I'm sorry Kilian, I had lunch with Cara yesterday and she pretty much told me she's leaving me."

"I know," I say without thinking.

"What?" he says shocked.

"Well, when I was here with Wren last night Cara showed up, she said she was here to get her things."

"Did she talk to Wren?"

"She did, I made sure to keep her safe but she was really in her right mind it seemed. She told Wren she was sorry and that she loved her, I know that Wren doesn't trust it and I'm not sure if I do yet either."

"So, she told you she's done?" he asks dejected.

"I hate that I'm in this position but yeah she did," I say awkwardly.

"She's with that man from work?"

"I hope you know how hard this is for me, but yes, she was, at least last night."

"I did this, it's my fault, I'm not good at dealing with women, I pushed her away because I couldn't deal with her problems."

"Shane, I don't know what to say but what I can say is that you've raised amazing girls, look at this house, look at everything you've done for me and my brother, try not to be too down on yourself."

"Thank you son, don't feel any pressure from me to make this better but I do appreciate your sentiment. Do me a favor, make sure with Wren, don't jump in too quickly."

Fuck. Shit.

"Shane, about that, I want to be honest with you..." I admit.

"I appreciate that son."

"Well, you know, my mom passed away three years ago..."

"I do."

"She left me a little nest egg..."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm going to get my own place soon and I want Wren to come with me, my plan was as roommates but now..." I let my words trail off because now I'm really nervous.

"Son, you're that serious about her?" he asks surprised.

"I am," I say confidently because I've never been more sure of anything.

"Wow, give me a second to digest this."

"I know it's a lot but if I'm being honest Wren is the only girl I've ever even looked at, she's it for me, really."

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