Here Goes Nothing

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Dec, Kilian, and I are all waiting in Wren's foyer for her to come downstairs. Before anyone else can say anything, Quin bounds down the stairs squealing, "Are you ready?!"

We all look at her expectantly, and then Wren starts to walk down the stairs. Her dress is shiny and black and it's hugging every curve of her body. I cannot believe my luck, she looks prettier than I ever expected. I can tell she has heels on and her hair is all wavy and curled down her back. She has on more makeup than I've ever seen her with but it's still not too much, you can see the cute little freckles on her nose and her lips are hot pink. Ok, this is definitely a crush, I should not be thinking about my friend like this. I shake myself back to reality and realize that Kilian is making goo goo eyes at her too. Shit. I step forward and extend my hand to her so she can step down off the last step, then I hand her the flowers.

"Oh, you're too good to me, I didn't know, you didn't have to do this," she says kind of gushing and I'm quite pleased with myself for the moment.

"You look amazing," is all I can manage to say.

She walks down the line of us all and gives us hugs, in my humble opinion, Kilian held on a little too long. When she gets to her dad he gives her a sweet hug but all I can think about is her perfect little rear in that dress, wow. I am lucky tonight and even if it's only for tonight, I'm going to enjoy this. I need to get myself together because I doubt Wren's dad would like me ogling his daughter's ass while he is trying to hug her.


Quin has been primping me for hours, she is younger than me sure, but this is her area of expertise, she spends hours watching TubeTV videos on how to style her hair and do make up. I have to admit, I look better than I could have done on my own. When Quin finally gives me the all clear, I slip into my dress and buckle my shoes. Gael better appreciate this because I went all out tonight, I never wear heels, but Quin convinced me that I had to since it was my last Homecoming.

Quin steps back and angles her fingers like she's framing me, "You look so perfect!" she exclaims.

"Well, here goes nothing," I say as I make my way towards the stairs.

Quin runs down in front of me, "Wait you have to make a grand entrance," she demands.

Ugh, I usually do not like being the center of attention but I owe her this since she helped me out. I slowly walk down the stairs and first I see Gael, his long blonde hair is slicked back stylishly and his green eyes are gleaming at me. He smiles when he sees me and he looks so handsome, he has on a black button-up shirt and black pants. His shirt fits well and he cleans up really nice, I'm pretty happy.

Then my eyes drift to Kilian, and I almost immediately feel guilty because I can't stop looking at him. He has on a white button up with the top two buttons undone, it's tucked into some slim black dress pants with chain hanging off his hip and he's wearing his combat boots. He's smirking at me and looking right into my eyes. Hot damn! He is so hot but he's Christy's, at least for tonight and I'm Gael's. Declan smiles sweetly, he looks nice too in khaki pants and a blue shirt, he is definitely the odd one out in our crew, he is not as into the all black everything scene as us but we love him anyway.

When I get to the bottom of the stairs, Gael surprises me with roses and no one has ever done that for me before so I don't really know what to say. 

I hug each one of the guys before I go to my dad and he hugs me too, it's actually nice until he steps back and says, "Good choice on the dress sweetie, black is slimming."

Way to go dad, thanks for pointing that out. I shake my head and turn back to look at the guys, Kilian knows exactly what I'm thinking and he speaks up first, "You look beautiful, you did a great job on your dress," he says.

Gael chimes in too, "It's perfect, so you."

Declan is just smiling, he seems like he's clueless and doesn't know what to do right now.

I just want the tension to break, "Let's get these pictures done so we can get to the party!" I say.

We take our standard photos standing up on the marble fireplace, one of all of us, one with just the guys, one of just me, one with Kilian and I, one with Quin and I and then dad insists I take a photo with Gael since he's my date, it makes sense and I don't exactly mind. After all the traditions are through, I hug Quin goodbye and we all try to pile into Gael's truck.

It's funny because he's insisting that I sit in the front and Kilian and Declan have to sit in the tiny back seats. Kilian is the tallest of the guys and I know his legs have to be folded up like a pretzel but I don't argue because I want Gael to have a nice time. We get to school and Gael opens my door and offers me his arm like a gentleman, it's nice to walk into the gym like this, on someone's arm, like a real date.

When we get inside, Christy is standing there looking like an actual Barbie doll, tall, tan and blonde in a pink dress. Wow, if that's what Kilian is after, no wonder I'm not here with him. They look like the rock star who is dating a model and it makes my stomach feel a little sick when Kilian breaks off from us to meet her but I decide that I should focus on Gael. 

I set my clutch down on the bleachers and we make our way to the dance floor with Declan in tow. Kilian is already there with Christy and we all kind of dance as a big group and it's pretty fun. Gael takes my hand and spins me around a few times and it makes me smile. Maybe I should give this a chance, with girls like Christy falling all over him, it's not like I am ever going to have a chance with Kilian anyway and Gael is such a great guy; not to mention he looks great tonight. 

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