Uh-Oh Spaghettios

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Furys pov

It had been a couple hours and Ivy still wasnt home. I had called Audrey and she wasnt there. I had even asked Stark if she was in the tower for some reason. But I couldnt find her.

So I was panicking.

I was pacing back and forth in the livingroom. Clint, Audrey, and Bruce were sitting on the couch. They were the ones that knew her best.

"And you're sure she came to tutoring today?" I asked Clint again.

"Positive. She had texted me making sure I was there today." He responded.

"And you cant track her phone, Banner?"

"Her phone isnt a normal model. Theres nothing for me to track." He says.

"I made it for her a few years back so we could communicate incase she needed help. I cant find the coding on my computer. I checked all of her regular spots and she wasnt at any of them." Audrey adds in.

"So how do we find her?" Clint asks.

"Let's see if, Stark, can get us access to cameras all around the city. We can see if we can find her that way." I say.

"I'll call Tony." Bruce says and walks down the hallway.

Ivys pov

I sit in the back of the car. My hands zip tied together. Trying not to panic to much. I looked over at my supposedly jailed kidnapper, paying attention to the road for once, and try to move my hands to my pocket.

I feel my phone and manage to get it out.


Sos c:105 black Chevy Equinox somewhere along *random street* if my sense of direction is correct

Ok Furry wants to know if you can tell who's kidnapping you?

My supposedly jailed father

Well than
Dont die
I need you

I should go before I'm found out
Bye Aud

Bye Ives

I slid the phone back into my pocket.

And that's when things went from bad to worse.

Actually having played attention to traffic laws for once, we were allowed to go after stopping at the stop sign. But naturally someone wasnt paying attention. So now I'm tumbling down the side of the road with my hands zip tied together and my kidnapper father cursing with the vocabulary of a sailor.


Why thank you.

Finally we stopped. The car had hit a tree. And no air bags being in the truck, and not buckled in, had hit the car many times. My head felt like it was spinning.

I pushed myself up. My father seemed unconscious, the tree had hit his door. I looked at the doors, surprisingly they were unlocked. I pushed it open and bolted.

Everytime my feet hit the ground, it reverberated through my skull, but I didnt dare slow down. I ran towards my home, well where I hoped it was.

A police car pulled up. Why they were down here when they should've been up there, I didnt know. Two men stepped out, but they didnt look very police officer like.

"Hey, kid, where are you running to? And from?" One of them asks.

I couldnt really communicate with my hands together. So I just sorta gestured towards the direction I had come from.

"Well why dont you come with us and we can take you back to the station." The other says.

I slowly walk towards them, only slightly trusting they're identities.

One of them opens one of the doors in the back and gestures me in. I sit inside and he closes the door.

I could feel the car moving, but the tinted windows werent very see through.

I could hear the police officers infront of me talking.

"That's the right one?" One of them says.

"Ya, pretty sure. Which way am I turning next?"

"Left onto.... *insert random street*"


That wasnt a street to get to the police station. I had dragged enough criminals there to know how to get to it. So that probably means this isnt going how I wanted it to.

I took out my phone. Its screen had cracked a little in the crash.


Fury, I've now been kidnapped twice. My father crashed and I ran and then two "police officers" found me and said they were taking me to the station but they were talking and that's not where I'm heading.
I should've played better attention.

Hey Ivy, I will find you. I promise. Do you know where you are?

Not really we've turned and I cant see out of the windows
I'm sorry

You have nothing to be sorry for. I'm calling in the Avengers, we will find you. It just might take a second. Stay alive!

I'll try😅 bye bye Furry👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻

Bye kid👋🏻

Word count: 816

I am so sorry it's taken so long. My mind is in 50 places at once and I havent been able to figure out what I wanted to do. I honestly didnt expect the story to turn here but here it is. Again, I'm really sorry. Have a great day!

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