Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

It's been a few months and Annie is at court for custody of her child. She walks in and says "We have 50/50 custody." I smile and ask "You good with that?" She nods and says "I don't want to take Sadie away from her dad. Just didn't want her taken from me." she says and I hug her. "At least that's one more thing you don't have to worry about now." I tell her and she nods. We head to the conference room and are working on finalizing a few projects when we hear a crash in the lobby. Running out to see what happened, I see Beth standing at one of the tables with a baseball bat and she's smirking. Lori, my receptionist, runs towards me and I guide her to where Ruby and Annie are standing. "Lori, call the police." I tell her and she runs to the conference room to call.

I step closer to Beth and ask "What are you doing here?" She glares at me and says "My sister and my best friend aren't talking to me. They are always with you." Then she smirks and asks "But where is Rio?" I take another step closer and say "Don't act like he'd touch you. He hates you." She laughs and says "Honey, I've been with your man. You think he really wants someone your size?" she asks. I know I've gained a little weight these last couple of months but I'm not letting her get to me. "Oh honey. That's cute. He loves my size." She huffs and says "Really now. What makes you think that?" I smirk and say "Because he can't keep his hands off me. So much so that...I'm pregnant." I tell her and she looks at me shocked. I've not even told Rio yet. "Bull shit." she tells me. "Nope. It's true. I am carrying his heir. Our child." I tell her and she goes to attack me but the police walk in. "There a problem here Dreva?" David asks. "Yes David. She came in here and started bashing tables and just tried to attack me." I tell him. "Are you wanting to press charges?" he asks. "Yes. I am." I tell him. "Beth Boland, you're under arrest for destruction of property, trespassing and terroristic threats. You have the right to remain silent...." he says as he handcuffs her and leads her to the police car outside.

Rio walks in and sees her being put into the police car and sees the damage. He looks at me and looks me over asking "Are you okay?" I nod and say "Yeah. But we need to talk." I tell him. "We've got this." Ruby says and Rio leads me to my office. When we enter my office, he closes the door and asks "What happened?" I take a seat at my desk and he sits on the edge of my desk. "She came in while we were in the conference room and started taking a bat to shit. Then when I confronted her, she started talking about how Annie and Ruby won't talk to her and are always with me. Same bullshit as always. Then started asking where you have been. Asking me if I really thought you wanted someone my size." I tell him. He kneels in front of me and asks "You know I think you're perfect right?" I nod and say "I told her that. I told her that you can't keep your hands off of me and that you love my size. She asked me why I thought that and I told her why." I tell him. He smirks and asks "Why do you think I love your size?" I have my own smirk and say "Because you knocked me up." He looks at me shocked and asks softly "Really?" I nod and say "That meeting I had yesterday was actually a doctor's appointment. I'm seven weeks pregnant." He takes my hand and helps me stand before kissing me deeply. When we break the kiss, he puts his forehead to mine and whispers "I love you."

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