Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

It's been a few days since Rio and I got married and we are back at the suburban bitch's house and I can't help but roll my eyes. We walk in the back door and she's standing against the island waiting on us...or Rio rather. "You got my money?" Rio asks. "Yeah, we talk? Alone?" she asks. He kisses me softly and walks into the next room with her while I help Carlos change out the two bags. After a couple of minutes, I walk into the room where they went and see them kissing. I turn and run out the back door and out to the road. Running in the middle of the road, I get hit by a car and all of a sudden everything goes back.

Beep...Beep...Beep. is what I hear when I wake up. I try to move my hand and feel it being held. I open my eyes and see Rio sitting next to me. He sees me awake and says "Princess, you're awake. Thank God." he says. "Leave." I say. "What?" he says like he didn't hear me. "Leave." I say a little louder. "No. I'm not leaving." he tells me. "Go back to your girlfriend." I rasp. "Baby..." He starts but I stop him. "Don't. Don't lie to me. Just get out." I tell him as the tears start to fall. He cups my face and puts his forehead to mine and says "She kissed me. I pushed her away baby. Please believe me." he says. "No. Get out." I rasp. He kisses my forehead and says "I'll give you some space but I'll be just in the waiting room if you need me." he tells me. "I won't." I tell him and turn to face the wall, my back to him.

He walks out to the waiting room and sees Carlos standing there. "How's she doing?" He asks. "She doesn't want me in there." Rio says as he sits down in one of the chairs. "Why not?" he asks. "She saw that redheaded bitch kiss me and she thinks I cheated on her. She doesn't trust me." Rio says. "Dude, let me tell you something about your girl." Carlos says. "Wife." Rio says and Carlos smirks. "Wife. Congrats brother." Carlos says and Rio smiles softly. "Your wife is upset, I get it, but she will see the truth." Carlos says. "How's that Carlos? She saw that bitch all over me and she's already had shit from her past that's fucked with her through our whole relationship. I gotta fix this." Rio says. "Did you want the bitch to kiss you?" Carlos asks "Hell no. I fucking can't stand the needy bitch." Rio says. "Then let your wife put her in her place. I'll talk to her and explain shit. You know she'll listen to me." Carlos says. "Yeah. Thanks brother." Rio says.

Carlos walks into my hospital room and says "Hey little sister." as he sits on the side of my bed. I turn towards him and say "Don't come in here trying to convince me that he didn't cheat. I know what I saw." I tell him. "No, you don't know. Sister, that man loves you more than anything on this earth. She kissed him and he shoved her away. He told her to fuck off that he loves you." he tells me. "Doesn't matter. She's going to keep trying until she gets him, might as well walk away now before he does." I tell him. "What the fuck ever. You know as well as I do that he ain't ever walking away from you. You remember when he first started sending you those notes?" he asks and I nod. "He came to me wanting to know how to get your attention. He said he didn't think that he was good enough for you but when you and him got together, his entire attitude shifted. Everything he does, he asks himself if it will blow back on you or if it will make you hate him. He will never hurt you." he tells me. "What do I do?" I ask. "You put that bitch in her place and show her who's man he is. You're his wife. His queen. Time you got off your ass and started acting like it." he tells me. I hug him and ask him to send Rio in.

Rio walks in and I reach my hand out for him. He takes my hand and sits on the side of the bed. "Do you want her?" I ask. "Fuck no." he tells me. "Are you sure you still want me?" I ask. Kissing me softly he says "I have never wanted anyone as much as I want you." he tells me. "Then when I get out of here, she's mine. I handle her my way." I tell him and he says "Anything you want."

A few days later, I am out of the hospital and we all meet at the park with Beth, her sister and friend. "You have the package?" Rio asks. "Here." Beth tries to hand it to Rio and he nods for Carlos to step forward to take the bag. "Where's the next batch?" she asks. "There isn't one." I say. She looks at me and says "This doesn't concern you honey." I smirk and step forward. "See, that's where you're wrong. You keep going after Rio because you want to be this big bad boss bitch but let me tell you something. A true boss bitch, has her shit in order before she ever enters the game. You see, Rio and I are together and you won't be able to change that. But, here's what's going to happen. You are officially out of business. I run this shit along side my husband and he's leaving this completely up to me." I tell her. "Gang friend is married?" Annie asks. I look at her and say "Happily." and she smiles. I look back at Beth and say "You're done." and we go to walk away. "I'll turn you into the cops." she tells me. I stop and let go of Rio's hand and turn to face her with an evil smirk on my face. "See, that's where you're wrong. Because, when you all had those women doing that bull shit secret shopper shit? Well, I started a shell company and all of the funds were funneled through it. But, you see, I added a little extra insurance. If you or your sister or friend turn on us and utter even on word, I turn the paperwork over to the feds." I tell her. "How's that going to hurt me?" Beth asks. "Because, the name of the proprietor, the one who's signature is on every single thing involved with the money going through that business, has your signature on it." I tell her. "Well, they will see it isn't my signature." she tells me smirking. "Oh honey. I am a master at forging signatures. I promise it will match so I suggest you keep your trap shut." I tell her and head back towards Rio. Turning back one more time, I say "Oh and if you ever touch my husband again? Yours will be planning your funeral." I tell her before walking back over to Rio and heading out the door with my husband.

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