Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

It's Sunday morning and I am sitting at the coffee shop with my laptop. I decided I would just bury myself in my work and then I won't have time to think about this shit with Danny. I'm working on a proposal for a new project at work and Rachel comes over. Placing a plate with banana nut bread down, and a note. "Your admirer strikes again." she tells me. "He leave first?" I ask and she nods. "And you can't even tell me if he's cute?" I ask. "My lips are sealed." she tells me. I take the note and smile softly again when I read it.

Hardworking? Independent? Beautiful? Could you be more perfect? Even the most beautiful rose couldn't compare to you.

Sighed Your Future Friend.

I look up and see Rachel smirking again. I don't say anything. I read the note one more time before putting it in my purse. I eat the bread, finish what I'm working on and read the note one more time before leaving. "See you later Rachel." I say. "See you later Dreva." she says before I walk out the door.

I walk into the house and I take the first note and put it back in my purse with the new note from the mystery guy. I sit on the couch and call Lisa to come over. "Can you come over?" I ask. "Sure. You okay?" she asks. "I don't even know." I tell her. A little later, she's sitting on my couch and I am letting her read the new note. "Wow. He's good." she tells me. "He won't let me see who he is or know anything about him. He could be some serial killer for all I know." I say. "Honey, if he were a serial killer, don't you think he'd have tried something already? You come and go by yourself from the coffee shop. He knows your routine and could easily follow you here." she says. "Hell, I don't know." I tell her. "Just keep your mine opened. Maybe change the game a little." she says. "How would I do that?" she asks. "Leave him a note. With your number." she tells me. I think about it for a minute. "Look, doing it that way, you might get to at least hear his voice and talk to him. Get to know him a little. Then maybe he'll reveal himself." she says. "That's not a bad idea." I tell her.

I spend the week preparing. I know Rachel only works Saturdays and Sundays so I walk in on Saturday before her shift ends. "Hey Dreva." Rachel greets me. "Hey Rachel. I need your help with something if you don't care." I tell her. "Have anything to do with your new friend?" she asks. "Yeah." I say. "I'm in." she tells me. "Perfect. He's always leaving me notes and bread so I want to change the game a little." I tell her and she smiles wide. "When he comes in tomorrow, I want to have his drink already paid for and when he orders, tell him it's already covered and hand him this note with it." I tell her. "You got it. His order is usually seven dollars." she tells me. "Here's ten. Keep the change." I tell her. She smiles even more and I say "Thanks Rachel. I owe you." She shakes her head and says "Just give me details. That's all I ask." she says and I start laughing and say "I can do that."

Sunday morning rolls around and Rio walks into the coffee shop and stands in line. Walking up to the counter he says "Coffee, black." Rachel smiles and hands him the coffee. "It's covered." she says and hands him a note. He looks at her and she nods. Smirking, he takes the note and coffee and heads to a table. He opens the note and starts to read.

Dear Future Friend,

I have learned that when making new friends, it's always good to know their name. Especially when they are being so sweet. So, let me introduce myself. My name is Dreva. Here's my number if you want to put a voice where your pen is. Enjoy your coffee future friend.

Signed Hardworking, Independent Woman.


He smiles at the note and takes out his own and starts writing before handing it to Rachel and paying for the order of my weekly slice of bread.

I am sitting at my normal table when Rachel walks over, smirking. She places my slice of bread on the table with a note. "You give it to him?" I ask. "Oh yeah." she says and pushes the note closer to me. I smile at her and start reading the note.


A name just as perfect as you. I might have to take your advice and put my voice where my pen is. But there's only one thing you left out of your signature. You forgot BEAUTIFUL. Enjoy your bread and coffee my dear. I'll be in contact soon.

Your future friend


Finally a name. Now just to see if he calls. I re-read the note and see he wrote the word beautiful in capital letters. I just stare at that word and then I start hearing Danny in my head again telling me that no one will want my fat ass. I close the note and look at the bread before eating it and slipping out of the shop.

I get home and am sitting on the couch, looking at all three notes. What the hell was I thinking? He's not going to call and now I can't get Danny out of my head. Lost in my own thoughts, I hear my phone ring. "Hello." I ask as I answer. "Hello Dreva."

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