Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I get up the next morning and am getting ready for work when my phone goes off with a text.

R: Good morning Princess. Good luck on your presentation.

D: Good morning Rio. Thank you. I'm going to need some luck.

R: Nah. You got this. Have faith Princess. You're beautiful and smart. You'll knock em dead.

D: I hope so. Gotta head out.

R: Text me after and let me know how it goes.

D: I will. Be safe today please.

R: Always Princess.

I look at the text and he's so sweet but I can't get excited. I grab my things and head to work. Walking into the office, Lisa walks over and asks "How'd it go last night?" I turn to her and say "It went good. We talked for a couple of hours before bed. He texted me this morning." I tell her and let her see my phone. "He's right. You got this." she tells me. "Well, let's get this over with." I tell her and head to the conference room to do my presentation.

"Thank you Michael. I'm so glad you like these plans. I'll get them to the engineer today and he will call you in the morning to set everything up." I tell him. "That's great. See you later." he tells me before seeing his way out. I get back to my desk and pull out my phone. I pull up the text app and send Rio a text.

D: They loved the plans.

R: I knew you had it. Congrats Princess.

D: Thanks Rio. Seriously. I needed that boost this morning.

R: I got you babe. Always.

D: You really are sweet, you know that?

R: Only for you. Got a reputation to uphold you know.

D: Good to know I'm special.

R: Very special. I don't send just any beautiful woman banana nut bread.

D: Oh so we all get our own flavors?

R: Nope. You're the only one.

D: Good to know. Gotta get back to work.

R: Call you tonight Princess.

D: I'll be waiting.

After work, I'm sitting on the couch flipping through the channels, hearing Rio in my head telling me I'm beautiful and then Danny telling me I'm fat and disgusting. Shit. I can't get out of my own head. All of a sudden my phone rings. "Hey." I say as I answer. "Hey Princess. What's wrong?" he asks. "I'm okay. Just been a long day." I tell him. "Nah. Talk to me." he tells me. "Just in my own head. I'm okay. How was your day?" I ask. "It was good but now I'm worried about you." he tells me and I smile a little. "You don't have to be. I promise I'll be okay. Especially now that I'm talking to you." I tell him. "Good to know Princess but I'm here if you want to talk." he tells me. "I appreciate that. You know, you always call me Princess. Does that make you my Prince?" I ask. "Nah. You're knight maybe." he tells me. "My mysterious knight." I say. "That's me Princess. Gotta make sure my girl is good." he tells me. "Rio..." I start. "I know we're just talking but I like you. You're an amazing woman. I just gotta get you to see that and then you being my girl will be real." he tells me. I start laughing. "You know all the right things to say don't you?" I ask. "Nah. Just know what makes my girl smile." he tells me. We go on talking and before I know it, it's after midnight. "Well, my mysterious knight, I better hit the bed. I'm exhausted." I tell him. "Sleep sweet Princess. I'll text you in the morning." he tells me. "Sleep sweet Rio." I say before ending the call.

I wake up the next morning to my morning text from Rio.

R: Good morning Princess.

D: Good morning Rio.

R: How'd you sleep?

D: Good. Better than I have in a while. You?

R: Good. Thought about you all night.

D: Smooth. But sweet.

R: Only for you babe. Gotta let my girl know how special she is.

D: You are making it really hard not to fall for you but you still won't let me see you.

R: In time. I promise.

D: In time.

R: You working today?

D: Nope. Just relaxing today.

R: Well I have some business to handle but I'll call you tonight.

D: Be safe...please.

R: Always Princess.

I spend the day cleaning up the house and doing laundry. Finally done, I lay in bed and relax. It's a little after nine and I haven't heard from Rio yet but he said he'd call. I turn on a movie on Netflix and a little bit into it, my phone rings. Thinking it's Rio, I don't look at the caller ID and I wish I had when I hear his voice. "Hello." I say as I answer. "Hey Dreva." I hear Danny say. "What do you want Danny?" I ask. "What are you doing tonight?" he asks. "Why?" I ask right back. "Thought maybe I'd come over and we could hook up for a bit. I know you're lonely." he tells me. "You honestly think I'm going to sleep with you after you dumping me?" I ask. "Babe, listen. You left me no choice. My dick couldn't even get hard looking at you. Only reason I'm calling now is a last resort kind of thing. I want some pussy and my girl is out of town and you were always desperate." he tells me. "Go to hell." I tell him. "Babe, you really should let me come over. No one else is going to touch your fat ass. Consider it me doing charity work." he tells me and I hang up and start to sob. He's right. There's no way anyone is going to want my fat ass. I never should have let myself believe someone else would. I'm laying there sobbing when my phone starts to ring. It's Rio. I just let it ring and let it go to voicemail. All of a sudden a text comes through. Sorry it's late Princess. Sleep sweet and I'll text you in the morning beautiful. I see the text and start to sob harder.

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