Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

The next morning I am still laying in bed awake. I stopped crying hours ago but just couldn't get to sleep. It's Sunday morning and I am normally heading to the coffee shop about now but I know he will be there so I just lay in bed and don't move. My phone is on the bed next to me and I see a text from Rio.

R: Good morning Princess. How'd you sleep?

I don't answer. I can't. I just lay there as more tears start to fall. I was really starting to like him but how stupid could I be? Danny's right. No one wants my fat ass. I spend the rest of the day in bed. Only getting out of bed to get a shower and get things ready for work the next morning.

Morning rolls around and there have been several messages throughout the day from Rio.

R: Are you okay Princess? Text me when you can.

R: Just wanted to let you know I was thinking about you beautiful.

R: I guess you're busy. Text me when you can. Let me know you're okay.

R: You weren't at the coffee shop. What's wrong?

R: You are beautiful, smart and an amazing woman. You're my girl. Don't forget that.

R: Goodnight sweetheart. Hope you text me back. I'm worried about you.

I can't help but sob looking at those texts. I can't do this. I get up the next morning and get ready for work. I head to the coffee shop for coffee and see Rachel. "Are you okay? You weren't here yesterday." she says. "Wasn't feeling very good." I tell her softly. "Well, you're coffee and bread is paid for. He left a note." she tells me. I thank her and take the note, coffee and bread with me. Sitting in the car, I read the note.


You aren't answering texts or calls and now you're not at the coffee shop. I'm worried about you Princess. If something happened, tell me. I got you. Never forget that baby. You are the most amazing woman I have ever seen. You're my girl. Mine. Nothing changes that. Call me or text me and let me know that you're okay.

Your Mysterious Knight


I close the note and start to sob again. After I get myself together, I call my boss and tell her I need a few days and head back home. Walking into the house, I sit on the couch and sob until I finally fall asleep there on the couch. Waking up there are more texts on my phone from Rio.

R: Princess please talk to me.

R: I'm here if you need me. Just tell me what you need.

I decide I can't do this anymore. I send one text and turn off my phone. I'm sorry. I can't do this anymore. Please respect that. I turn my phone off and just lay on the couch in a daze. I spend the rest of the week at home closed up, avoiding calls and text from everyone...including Rio.

Sunday rolls around and I need to get out and get back to a routine. I walk into the coffee shop and get a coffee and just sit at my normal table. I'm staring out the window thinking about the shit Danny said to me and thinking about Rio when all of a sudden a man sits down at the table with me, putting down a slice of banana nut bread. I look at him shocked and he says "You ready to talk Princess?" I look at him even more shocked when I realize who he is. "Rio?" I ask and he nods. "Now, I can't put a smile back on that beautiful face if you won't talk to me and tell me what to do to make things better." he says. "Rio please. Just leave me alone." I say and start to stand up. He stands up with me and gently grabs my hand and pulls me to him wrapping his arms around me, he whispers "You're my girl Princess. Nothing you can do or say will make me change my mind." He kisses my cheek and pulls me to sit back down. "Now, talk to me." he says. It's taking everything in me not to start crying and he sees that. Moving the chair closer to me, he still has hold of my hand and whispers "Take your time baby. I'm not going anywhere." After a couple of minutes, he tilts my chin up and says "Let's go for a walk." I nod and we head outside and across the street to the park.

We sit on one of the benches and he has his fingers laced with mine still. He lets go of my hand and puts his arm around my shoulders and pulls me close to him. Kissing my temple, he says "What's been going on?" There's no judgement and no pity in his voice. Just concern. "The night you were late calling me and I didn't answer, I got a phone call." I tell him. "Let me guess. The ex you told me about." he says and I nod my head yes. "What did he tell you baby?" he asks. "Wanted to come over and hook up. When I said no he told me no one else would want my fat ass and that I should consider it him doing charity work." I tell him. He tilts my chin up so that he can look into my eyes and says "He's got no clue what he's talking about. You are more than perfect Princess. I've not been able to stop thinking about you but baby, when something happens you gotta tell me. I can't fix it if you don't tell me what's wrong." he tells me. "It's not your place to fix it Rio." I say. "It is baby. It's my place to make sure you're happy. I make you happy don't I?" he asks. "You do." I tell him. He cups my face and places a soft kiss to my lips before deepening it just a little bit. "You're my girl baby. Mine. Just like I'm yours okay. Don't listen to what that asshole says. You're fucking perfect." he tells me. I look into his eyes and nod slightly. "Just be patient with me okay?" I ask. "Anything you need Princess." he says before kissing me one more time. I lean back against him and say "Thank you." Kissing the top of my head, laying against his shoulder, he whispers "Anything for you." 

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