The Protection

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   A familiar light surrounded my eyes. Teleport a magical spell that require both mana and it's white variant. But it seemed like there was a few hints of blue, the very same blue I saw inside the orb when I was signing up to be an adventurer. 

   This spell must had been using some of Garcia's mana as her mana source is more special than mine. As I have more amount, she had something I never did have, and that is white mana.

   Now that my eyes adjusted I looked around just to find myself in the middle of the sky. Looking around, I realize we were falling. Using both my arms, I try to pull mana towards my hands to try and stop my fall. Realizing I was leaking mana fast out of the other hand, the magic wasn't working as intended.

   What happened with the teleportation location?

   I hear a scream next to me. It was Rela. I decided to grab her and start to force the mana to my feet. With enough air, my boots rip apart and we started to decline our fall. I feeling a little tired, but I continued to push until we were safely on the grounds.

   As soon as my foot felt the floor, I passed out.


   "-n't worry, he should be up in no time," I hear someone spoke. I recognize the voice of the doctor, but I never really paid attention to the names, but he seemed familiar. I think he was the one who took care of me when I was unconscious last time.
    "What about Garcia?" I hear a vary familiar female voice ask. 

   "Well her condition has stabilize, but she will need to have a little break on adventuring if you want her to fully recover. Healing magic can only do so much, it can never do a 100% heal. You're lucky you've brought his arm or else he would had been armless for the rest of his life."

   Looking around, I look at Rela as she smiled. She had a tear on her eye. Maybe she was crying a bit before, but she seem alright now. 

   "Man, how are you not injured when we went to the front lines?" I decided to joke.

   "Well her body works a little differently than the normal person. This girl instead of using magic, thrive under physical combat. With her mana always surrounding her muscles, it'll heal by itself. It's the first I am actually seeing it in action so not much is known about this ability."

   "Woah, I didn't know you have something like that; cool," I said. While talking I noticed my mouth was a little dry. Did a couple days past? Or was it just a couple of minutes.

   "How long was I out for?"

    "Oh just 8 minutes. You were just thirsty. You should drink more, dehydration is no joke," The doctor told me.

   Oh... I was dehydrated? I guess I haven't drink any water since that ninja fight. Anyways I'm glad that Garcia is now safe, but looking at my arm, it seems to be a little stiff.

   Trying to move it is hard, like trying to lift a whole building off the ground. My arm just wont rise no matter how much I try.

   "Oh.. You're arm has been recently attached, you're right handed right? Right. So it shouldn't effect your day to day life since it was your least dominant hand."

   Well I am a little bit right handed, but I can still do a great many things with my left. 

   "Hey Rela, can I have some alone time real quick."

   "Sure, I'll go to Garcia's room to check on her."

   "Oh before you go where's my sword?" I asked remembering it was falling down with us.

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