7 |Feelings become known|

430 12 15

September 19th (Friday 3:21pm)

The scenery:
'The wind gently blew. It's light gaze flowing through the town. The sky was a baby blue, and the clouds were white with fluffy edges. The pavement was uneven, chipped on the sides and missing a few stones here and there. Grass sprouting from in between small gaps where the dirt lay. The long buildings outstretching into the sky. Reaching towards the non - exsistent stars. Some buildings had vines hanging from them or funky windows.

This was the path Y/n and Xiao were walking down. Xiao explained how he needed to pick Qiqi up from school as Zhongli has a longer shift.

Y'n's POV:

You walk down the pavement, studying every bit of scenery as if you were going to die tommorow. And the uncertainty of this plain world never told you when you would die. Nor did it pepare you for what would happen. You had never explored town this far. It was never needed you guessed.

"Hey Xiao-" you begin trying to strike up some conversation.

"What is it Y/n?" He asks, not looking at you, focused on the pavement.

"I realised I don't know much about your or your backstory! So if you don't mind! Spill the tea!!" You state, wanting to say -spill the tea- for ages. But it was never convenient.

"My life, backstory.. ?" He said turning to you with a frown growing on sides of his face. You nod.

"As you wish." He begins before exhaling.

"Uh- I'm an orphan?" He said blankly looking at you. Honestly not really paying attention.

"That's it-?" You ask him, swinging back and forth on your feet. Let's just say that was a dumb idea.

You felt yourself fall backwards after loosinh your grip upon slipping on a leaf. (Yes. A leaf) Before you fell into the murderous puddle below you, you felt a hand grip around your waist, sparing a few seconds. You look at the hand quickly then look at the person. Turning into a tomato you blushed madly! And within Xiao caught on, and his grip loosened- and that puddle hit you like a ton of bricks. You were now wet, with a massive frown shaping your face like a sculpture. A hand offered out and you took it with a hint of annyonace as you sighed.

"Y/n- I'm sorry," he says looking at you, with a genuine apologetic tone.

But you didn't care, you had just fallen into a puddle getting wet. AGAIN. You seemed to fall into alot of puddles, perhaps it was a gravitational pull.

"Y/n. I said I'm sorry." He said once again, his tone getting slightly more annoyed as you ignored him.

'Qiqi get out here right now please.. i beg..' you thought as you continued ignoring him.

"Y/n. Stop ignoring me." He said the slight anger building up each time, yku could tell he didn't like it and you found it rather funny.

'Pfft.. he looks like a stroppy 3 year old right now, trying to hide the fact his mother said no to a new toy.. HAHA!' You couldn't help but chuckle at the thought.

You felt a hand pull yours, thinking it was Qiqi you smiled. But when you realised who it's was, you turned your head quickly.

"Y/nnn.. I'm sorry.. it was an accident..!" He whines, looking like the 3 year old you imagined- and with that thought you burst out laughing.

He shot an annoyed look at you and elbowed you in the ribs but the pain was washed away with laughter.

11 minutes later

"We picked these pretty flowers today.. there uhm.. called..-" Qiqi began before rubbing her head trying remember.

"Don't stress if you can't remember Qiqi-" Xiao said peering down at her.

"Sweeter Than Tofu" Xiao x Reader 《Modern AU》Where stories live. Discover now