8 |A letter that could change everything..|

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The sun lay low on the horizon. You shook Ganyu's hand, hints of jealousy rushing through you. But you brushed it off, no need to spoil a nice occasion. Your h/c brushed against your cheek, burning bright under the warm glow if the sun.

"Hello Y/n" Zhongli said, putting down his bag and smiling lightly.

"Hello Mr Zhongli-" you say, the nerves creeping in your voice.

"Zhongli is fine-" he corrects, while walking past you and into the small kitchen.

You nod. And bit your lip, the nerves rushing over you like a wave.

"Y/n, your bleeding-" Ganyu added, before a happy Qiqi appeared and took her away.

You put a finger to your lip, you had bitten it so hard, blood was now dripping down you.

It dripped down your chin and onto the collar of your clothing. You wiped it away, and Xiao went into the kitchen and told you to stay put.

He came back with a small 1st aid kit. You sat down next to him, and you lightly blushed as his fingers touched your lips. Inside you were screaming. But you carefully chose not to show it.

He wiped away the blood with a tissue, and pulled away to get a plaster. And in that moment he hid his red face.

He placed the plaster strip gently on your lip and looked into your eyes for a moment.

And that's when the connected.

Your eyes met his, and you could feel the blush rise up in your face, as did he. He packed away the 1st aid kit in silence. Before standing up and-

"Xiao. Wait." You said, gripping onto his hand, looking down in embarrassment.

"What is it..?" He asks you, sitting back down and looking at you.

"Thank you-" you mumbled.

He nodded, and rushed back off as Ganyu approached you.

"Hello, Y/n I think it is?" She asks you, placing a cup of coffee next to you.

"Yep! And Ganyu is it?" You reply, taking a sip of your coffee before replacing it to it's original place.

"Soo- what's your relationship with my cousin?" She began, before twisting a some of her hair.

"Oh we are friends" you say with a smile, 'though I'd like to be alot more..'

"Just friends??" Ganyu laughed, Qiqi was sat there with some crayons and her notebook.

"Shhh!!" You cry, loudly- pushing your finger to your lips signalling be quiet.

"Oh- oh so I was right," she smirks, now holding some pretty powerful information.

You frown at her, annoyed but flustered at the same time.

"So you like Xiao??" She straight up asks you, looking seriously into your eyes.

"I.. I- I don't know.. maybe..?" You stutter out, rubbing the back of your neck nervously.

Little did you know there was a certain emo listening in the other room.

Xiao's POV:
'Y/n.. likes me..? What..? No- I think I misheard.' I think to myself. I feel the red flush to my face.

"Xiao?" A voice calls to me, I turn around quickly and see Zhongli watching me.

"Yes Zhongli?" I ask him, approaching him and sitting down on the chair next to him.

"You like Y/n do you not?" He asks me, sipping his tea and keeping a straight face.

I turn away at the thought. I tried to hide my red face. But I know Zhongli isn't that dumb.

"I am happy for you," he whispers, loud enough so I can hear.

"Thank you Zhongli.. for everything." I say, before giving him a hug, to thank him for everything.

"Oh and by the way, this letter came for you!" He says pushing the letter towards me.

I open it and read it:

To Mr Adeptus Xiao.
We read the application to join our prestigious school. And we have looked into it and your work ethics. Aswell as how you behave and your compassion towards people. Your combat skills are exceptionally good. You are much advanced. Aswell as your writing skills, and others of the following. We would like to inform you, you have won a place at our school. If you choose to accept which we hope you do. You have 1 month to decide as we need an answer jn October. If you do decide to join us, we are looking forward to meeting you in February.

Necessary uniform standards:

• No extreme clothing

• You may wear what you want, but if it's inappropriate in anyways! You will be asked to go and change.

• If you break any of the clothing regulations, you will expect a penalty.

Behaviours penalties:

• Once a warning, twice a detention, third time a suspension.

I hope you will join us.

Yours sincerely ,
Mr Rowe

I had gotten in. The school you had really wanted to get into for years.

"I got in Zhongli!" I yell, not being able to hide my excitment.

I saw Ganyu, Qiqi and Y/n rush in.

And that's when it hit me. If I got in what about Y/n.. I couldn't leave them. Wait! Why was I thinking like this, I don't even know if she likes me back or not.

"Xiao??" Ganyi questioned.

"Don't worry Ganyu!!" I reply with a light smile on my face.


Y/n's POV:

"Thank you for today Xiao it was quite fun!" You say with a wide smile.

"Uh- No problem Y/n!!" He says, akwardly if I may add..

"Anyways I better get going!" You announce and wave goodbye, running of into the dark.

He was going to offer to walk you home, but you were gone already!!


You walked home, bag slumped on your shoulders. Your eyes weary from tiredness. But soon shot awake after the hearing of a name.

"Bliss!! Wait upp!" You heard a voice yell. This caused you to tense up.

She had injured you last time you met her, you could only freeze in place. A cold sweat breaking as you began to shiver.

There voices got louder and louder, and once you caught sight of the blonde girl and her boyfriend you began to rush past them.

And luck did not choose your side (since we need more drama:D)

"Hey! You." The boy called, grabbing the back of your bag, to stop your from going anywhere.

"Fuck fuck fuck..'

"Y-yes.?" You stuttered, turning around and gulping.

"Wait! Is that..? Y/n." The girl who hated your guts as much as you hated hers stated.


A/n: sorry it isn't super long, i cut my thumb open so it still hurts.

Date: 13/11/22

Word count : 1105

Not edited.

"Sweeter Than Tofu" Xiao x Reader 《Modern AU》Where stories live. Discover now