9 |Same bed..|

437 11 27

A/n: Sorry but I need drama fr.. i feel sad rn so we need drama.


"Wait is that Y/n..?"


'Fuck fuck fuck.' Is all that runs through your head, your screwed. Quite literally. You don't dare turn around.

"Wait IT is!" The blondie says- clapping her hands together loudly.

You begin to walk off, trying to get away as fast and far as you can. You wanted to avoid any means of contact with any of them. But they didn't make that easy for you, I mean why would they?

They pulled your bag backwards, causing you to land on your back with a loud thump. You can only wince from the pain.

"Y/n.. Y/n..-" the blondie's boyfriend calls to you, pulling your chin uo- so your directly locked in eye contact with him.

You can smell his breath. And it smells like 'pickles..' which he breathes out into your face.

"What." You say back sternly and showing how much you dislike him with the tone of your voice.

"No need to be so rude. Jeez- just know. We will make your life a living hell again." He seethes out before kissing your cheek and walking away.

'He kissed my CHEEK.' You portray a rather disgusted look on your face.

Bliss and her friend comes up to you, she is holding back laughter and you can tell.

"What." You snap, annoyed and rather angry.

"Jeez. So rude" she marks out before pushing you over again and walking to catch up with her friends.

This time it is slightly more fatal. You hit your nose on the edge of the pavement where the rocky bits are.

Blood oozed out of your lip at a fast speed. You felt the blood run down your chin. Staining the collar of your shirt. Dying it a dark a mysterious red.

You were no-where near home. Infact rather far. So you decided to ask Xiao for a cloth so you turned around and walked back.

'Knock Knock'

"..what.. do you want..?" The small boy answered, before yawning. Not realising it was you.

And when he did, his eyes widened at the state of your bloody form. Blood spilling off your lips aswell as your nose.

"Y/n. What happened?" He asked, lifting his hand to touch your face, and wiping the blood off your lips. His eyes went as bright as they were, they weere dark and onimious. His other hand pulls you into the home as the door shuts behind you.

He leads you to the kitchen and sits you down. And you just look down in a slight stage of guilt for waking him up.

"Y/n, this might hurt a bit-" he whispers before softly touching your face with his left hand and then wiping the blood with a wipe in his right. You flinched and arched back slighty.

"It will be alright, just stay still-" he said in a hushed tond, inching closer to you.

Once the blood was mostly gone, he touched your lips as he attached the small plaster strip. Which made you blush slightly.

"Sweeter Than Tofu" Xiao x Reader 《Modern AU》Where stories live. Discover now