9.5|Futures (Extra)|

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It had been about a month since you had met Xiao. And you could say truthfully you had gained feelings for him. And was determined he would be yours. It wasn't an option. You hated when he got close with others that you didn't know, it was like a pain in your heart. That you had to brush away everytime you saw him with someone.

But it didn't matter. Because little did you know.. the same feelings ran through Xiao's head.

Future- 7 years ahead. (Age: 22-23)

"Xiaooo-" you groaned, placing the book on the bedside table.

"Mh?" He responds, not taking his eye off his notebook, still writing.

"I feel sick...-" you say, twisting the blanket on your bed, in boredom aswell.

He sighed lightly and got up, sitting next to you on the edge of the bed, and placing his hand on the top of your head.

"Y/n dear your fine-" he says, before getting up and sighing from the distraction.

Your plan didn't work, you wanted a cuddle. You had been craving one all morning. As a few minutes passed you had a new plan.

"Xiaooo..!" You cried again, this time sitting upright and futher away.

"What, Y/n can't you see I'm busy." He huffs getting more and more annoyed as you intented.

"I have something to confess..." you announce, pulling the hood of your hoodie of your head.

"Go on."

"I... have been.. seeing Childe..-" you say, slowly making sure he processes every word you say.

"Y/n.?" He says, slamming the notebook shut, but not turning to look at you, atleast not yet anyways.

"I have been seeing him for a couple weeks... infact.. we kissed-" you say, trying to hold the laughter in.

Xiao just got up, your eyes pinned on the floor. You felt his presence get closer and closer towards you.

"Y/n. Please tell me your lying." He whispers, his voice trembling as he hooked his fingers under your chin.

"I.." you say, tears falling put your eyes- which were easy enough. You were holding in the most laughter ever.

You felt his face push towards yours, soaking it with wetness.

"Xiaoo.. I'm sorry for makinh you sadd.. i was kidding!! I wanted you to spend more time with me than that bloody paperwork!!"

"What." He says looking at you witha soft and annoyed look.

And that's when you burst into fits of laugher.

"Y/NNN!!" he groans out, as he pulled you into a tight hug.

"I'm sorry my love-" you say, giving him a small kiss.

End. Of. Future. Tape. :)

A/n: im so so so so sorry its short I wanted to try something out!! Also as you may know my exams are coming aswell as my finger which i have cut so, as i said parts will be slow af.


Word count: 488

Have a good day/night <3

&quot;Sweeter Than Tofu&quot; Xiao x Reader 《Modern AU》Where stories live. Discover now