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It's evening now and I'm full ready. Joshua is in the office since he will be informed on the spot that there will be a party so I'll have to go alone. I hope Joshua will be happy, his wish will finally come true

Dad sent a driver for me, it took about 30 minutes to reach the office. I went to the hall where party was going to be held, decorators were preparing everything, i came a bit early. I saw Dad who was monitoring everything. I went towards him

Y/n: hello Dad
Dad: hello sweetie, you came early
Y/n: I guess i did, mom didn't come yet?
Dad: everyone will come from 7 onwards, it's 6 now
Y/n: ahh
Dad: you can go to Joshua's office and inform him, it's time now I guess. Get him here by 7.30, I'm sure he won't come before that because of his work
Y/n: okay Dad, bye

I went towards Joshua's office, I didn't knock and just got in. As usual, Joshua was on his PC but then, there was a lady sleeping on the sofa comfortably like it was her home.

?: Come on Joshua, complete your work fast. That place is far away from here, we'll have to reach early

She looked up towards me and sat straight

?: Who are you? How did you get here? Don't you know how to knock?
Y/n: I'm sorry, i was in a hurry
?: Well, don't you have any fear of getting fired?

Joshua didn't even look up, i doubt if he was even aware of what is going on. Angry, i answered her

Y/n: For your kind information, I don't work here. I'm Joshua Hong's wife and I assume i have the freedom to visit him without asking for permission

She just looked blank and then glared at Joshua

?: You didn't tell me you were married

No answer from him, the lady went towards him and pulled his chair making him face her

?: Answer me
Shua: what?
?: Why didn't you tell me you were married?
Shua: because you didn't ask

She frustratedly sighed

?: Fine. As if I care.

She went back to the sofa

?: Hurry up with your work
Y/n: Joshua, there is a party organised by father
Shua: okay
Y/n: 7.30, it's here in the building. Father asked to go together
Shua: okay

Arranged Marriage | Joshua Hong Where stories live. Discover now