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" Wake up, Cuphead!" Mugman yelled at his brother who was still sleeping. Mugman was already dressed in his usual black sweater and blue shorts. "Ughhh," Cuphead groaned as he sat up. Mugman threw Cuphead's clothes at him. " Cmon get dressed," Mugman said as he rand out the door, " I'll be eating breakfast!" He yelled down the hall. Cuphead got up, he put on his clothes and ran down the stairs. 

Cuphead POV

I ran down stairs and saw my brother and my grandpa sitting eating bacon and eggs. I sat down and started gobbling down my food. " Manners Cuphead," Elder kettle told me. He handed me a napkin and I wiped my face clean from all the grease. I finished my plate and dashed out the door. " Wait up!" Mugman yelled for me as he ran out too.  We both started to run towards the city. We ran up to a stand that sells carmel apples. " My Usual please!" Mugman said politley. I didnt really like carmel apples, so I didnt ask for anything. " Here you go," Frank ( The person who works there ) handed my brother a green apple on a stick with carmel on the apple. " Thanks Frank!" Mugsy said as we started to walk away. We walked all the way the doc. We both sat down at the edge. " Whats that?" I said as I point to the water. It was bubbling alot. I wonder why its bubbling. The a huge beast arose from the water. " Hello!" It was Cala Maria. I look over to see Mugsy as red as a tomato. Mugman had the biggest crush on her. Tho Cala did not like him back. 

Me and Mugsy were good friends with the pretty sea beast. We then talked for a little. " I gotta go now, see ya boys!" Cala Maria then swam away.  " Shes the best," Mugsy sighed once she was out of sight. " Eugh, romance is so dumb," I say to my brother as I stand. I hold out my hand for Mugman to stand ( That ryhmed :0 ). He grabbed my hand and said " Romance is NOT stupid!" Mugman complained. It obv was. He was very wrong. We walked off the doc and then " Hiya Boys!" It was Ms. Chalice. " Hi Ms. Chalice! " Mugman said as he turned around. I put my hand on my heart. My heart started to beat faster than usual. I could also feel my face get red hot ( Game refrence :D ). This had been happening latley. But its only when Chalice was around. Ive seen Mugman like this around Cala. Was this...  A CRUSH?! No, no, no, N O. I would never have a crush. Never have and never will! I heard a pretty female voice... wait did I say pretty?!" Uhmmmm Cupsy?" It was Chalice. " Oh uhmm.... Sorry. I was zoning out," I said. There was a silence. Ms. Chalice looked very pretty at this moment. My was still red. " Oh my!!!" Chalice explained. " W-what's wrong?!" I jumped back. " Your bubbling!" She pointed to the top of my head. She was right. I had started to bubble so much that my milk was spilling out of my head. She put her hand on my forhead which made my face get redder and hotter. " Oh my gosh! Cuppy you deffintly have a fever!! You gotta go home," I was so embaressed. 

Cuplice ( Cuphead x Ms. Chalice )Where stories live. Discover now