Shopping! :D

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" Im boreddddd," I was when I said that. " Will you ever stop complaining?!" Mugman said from the top bunk. " Nnnnnnope!~" I replied. " Hmmmmmm," Mugman was thinking deep. You could tell he was thinking deep because he was drinking from his straw. He only does that when..... Well, he does it very often actually. He was also squinting his eyes... maybe thats why I knew he was thinking hard. " Oh! I know!," He exclaimed, " Lets go shopping!" 

Mugman recently got a job at that candy apple stand. He even got the same hours as Frank. And he made a good amount of money. " LETS GOOOOOOO!!!" I yelled as I scrambled out the door and grabbed my coat ( Since it was cold ). Mugman like boring normal person walked. 

We went to the local mall. " Hiya boyssss~" A sweet voice said behind us. " Oh, Hi Chalice!" Mugman had said cheerfully. My heart was already beating faster before I had even turned around to face her. I tried to stay calm and not turn into a tomato, or bubble, Infront of my crush again. I turn around and there she is. The most prettiest girl in the world. " H-Hi!" I flipping stuttered! I was kinda embarssed but I guess stuttering isnt too bad. 

" How are you feeling Cupsy? After your fever last week," Ms. Chalice asked me.  " Uhhh, yea. Im all betta ( Accent ) now!"


Cuphead's accent is so cute. Oh my gosh I just love him sometimes! But I am glad hes feeling better. " Im gonna go to the bathroom. Be right back!" Mugman then walked away. Oh boy  I thought to myself, Me, alone with Cuphead, the cutest boy Ive ever known. This is gonna be akward. 

* Paper falling noises * 

" My money!" I exclaimed " Ill grab that, " I turned around and bent down to grab the dollar bill.  I then felt some sort of coat on me.


" My money!" Chalice exclaimed, " Ill grab that," She said. She turned around and bent. She was wearing her normal outfit, Black sweater and blue-ish teal skirt. When she bent I could see under her skirt. I immediately turned around. I WAS NOT about to be a p3rv3rt to Ms. Chalice. I was a little tempted to turn back but I knew what was right. I knew even though I wasnt looking I was red hot. I could FEEL my face burning. I was bubbling so much that milk was like all on the ground. I knew I was getting tons of looks. Most looks were just normal What-On-Earth-Is-Happening-Over-There but there was one particular look that made me mad.

One person had stopped in his tracks when he saw Chalice. His face started to get red. I was furious. I then took my coat off and put it over Chalice. I mighta sorta flipped the guy off and thats when he realized I was very mad. He ran away in embaressment and shamfullness. 

" There we go!" Ms. Chalice turned back around handing me the coat back. " Whyd ya put that coat on me? " She asked. 

" Well... Uhmmm... We you were bending.... people saw.... and..." I Was having trouble getting my words out.

" OMG! " She was very embarssed. She had caught on of what I was trying to say. My heart stopped pounding and was beating sorta fast. My face became more rosey than tomato red. My bubbling had also completley stopped. 

" Im so sorry-" Ms. Chalice was saying but then I had said " Its ok, Really " 

" Back!!!" A voice had yelled towards us. It was Mugman. 

" Sorry I took so long. Some jerk was using the sink FOREVER! Which was SO annoying...." Mugman complained " But Lets go shopping! What we came her for right?" 

And with that, we went shopping.

Cuplice ( Cuphead x Ms. Chalice )Where stories live. Discover now