Meet cute

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Your first encounter

Carlos Sainz Jr

Where: Madrid, Spain

How: Family gatherings were never your favorites, but since your cousin had had the dumb idea to get married, you (as her maid of honor) couldn't possibly find the way out of it this time. Plus, you'd never met her fiancé since you'd moved abroad to study years before they got together, and with the wedding coming up that had to be fixed somehow. Why not do it with a nice family dinner at his house then? And why not pick the day of El Clásico to do that? You were going to miss the match, and so thought you cousin's fiancé's best man. Which is why the two of you didn't even meet at the door like everybody else. Nope. You caught each other sneaking from the nicely set table in the garden back inside the house to secretly follow the match. A true pity you were just about to shake hands with the breathtakingly handsome Carlos Sainz Jr when you found out he supported Real Madrid. Oh, and your beloved Barça had just scored.


Charles Leclerc

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Charles Leclerc

Where: Monza, Italy

How: Did you sneak in the paddock wearing a fake pass, a high-visibility jacket and a camera you'd stolen from your brother? Yes. Did you meet Sebastian Vettel, the idol of a lifetime? Yes. Did security kick you out with a restraining order to follow up in your mail shortly? Almost. Hadn't il predestinato Charles Leclerc saved your ass with the worst lying act the world had ever witnessed, you would've definitely been predestined yourself to a couple of hours behind bars at least. To be honest, you coming this close to throwing hands with his girlfriend wasn't going to help your cause, but you saw your chance and, well, you took it. Spoiler: much to everyone's surprise, it didn't turn out too bad for you in the end. 


Daniel Ricciardo

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Daniel Ricciardo

Where: Perth, Australia

How: It was one of those days when trying harder to get things right only makes them worse. You were practicing for an upcoming surfing competition, but with your mind being someplace else and the waves spitting you right back on the shore, you were unbelievably tempted by the thought of quitting. You'd tried everything: deep breaths, short brakes, better stretching and out-of-water training. All to no avail. And if there was one thing that could've made you feel even angrier, it was the chaos coming from a small group of men a few feet from you. Just when you needed your precious silence and concentration the most, obviously, the idiots had to show up and fashion themselves surfers. Ridiculous. Especially since one of them decided to deliberately crash straight into you and your brand-new surfboard and then come out of the water with the brightest smile you'd ever seen. Ladies and gents, mister Daniel Ricciardo.

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