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Affection (How do you show it?):

"Interest" is a synonym of "affection" for you. You might be having the most random conversation and then one of you decides to deepen one single aspect of it by rambling on for hours about, like, the reason why you pronounce one word the way you do and such. The other couldn't really care less, but they still listen to all of it. You don't just smile and nod along, you truly soak in the information, albeit random and useless and whatever.

Best friend (What would you be like as each other's best friend?):

You'd be the kind of friend who rushes over to the other's house after getting texted "SOS" or something (which you then find out it's only a picking-the-right-clothes issue), and also the one who'd just stand there hugging the other when they're having a bad day, ready to shower them with sweet, comforting affirmations.

Yeah, well, unlike George. Sure, he gives great hugs too, but his real specialty is merciless but amazingly useful tough love. He'd most likely see you down and clap his hands loudly to get your attention, and then be like: "CRICKEY, that's bad. But since it was also mostly your fault, you should just brush it off and deal with the consequences." What he doesn't tell you is that he'll be with you every step of the way, no matter what.

Cuddles (Do you like to cuddle? How? And such):

He loves to cuddle, but since he knows you're not a huge fan, he tends to keep it brief and simple, like a hug and couple of back scratches meanwhile.

Domestic (How do you feel about settling down? Do you like staying in? What about chores/housekeeping?):

You're clumsy and kind of messy, honestly. But he's quick to clean up after you without saying a word.

Effort (Do you put in the work?):

Jeez. Hercules would ask him for advice, really. George is so fully committed to you and to making your relationship work that you're actually silently learning from him, since you don't have much experience.

First (Are you each other's first in any scenario?):

As I was saying, you've never been in a relationship before him. So, yeah, lots of firsts. And even though you're not his first, he never makes you feel bad about it or anything like that, instead he wants to make it feel like a first for himself as well.

Gentleman (sfw version):

This would take up the whole page, so I'll try to sum it up. He's got it all - the looks, the way he talks, the composure, the polite gestures. This guy embodies the whole package of the word "gentleman".

Horror (What are you scared of?):

You're surprisingly kinda fearless, which gives you the upper hand in almost every situation, and also allows you to make fun of him for being afraid of things like the shadows of bare trees in the winter.

Insecure (What are you insecure about? Do you know about each other's insecurities? How do you react?):

Sometimes he gets a bit insecure about his body. You didn't think it possible, of course, given the amount of shirtless pics he takes (and for which we're all very thankful, kind sir), but you happened to hear him worrying about being too thin. Whenever he gets insecure, you just confess one of your insecurities to show him that it's totally normal to question ourselves but that we can also learn to appreciate ourselves just the way we are.

F1 Preferences by @_ReginaPhilange_Where stories live. Discover now