Drivers license

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What are they like in the passenger seat?

Carlos Sainz Jr

- calm and patient

- helps you overcome your fear of narrow streets

- takes over the second you say you might be getting tired

- but you both like walking more than driving 

Charles Leclerc

- "Amore, brake please, they're trying to cross the road and we're stuck at a red light anyway."

- "Brake, bébé."

- "Now, bra- GENTLY! JESUS CHRIST! (shouting from the window) MISS, ARE YOU ALL RIGHT?"

- your only reply is a very quiet (and very guilty): "Oops."

(exasperated Charles be like): "Okay, enough. I'll drive."

- obviously driving his car is out of the question

Daniel Ricciardo

- laughs at your smallest mistake

- it's likely he doesn't stop laughing until you reach your destination (perhaps not even then)

- he actually prefers it when you drive, he doesn't like it as much as racing

- given how much you both love to drink, you should hire a third driver anyway

George Russell

- he's a very demanding teacher

- mostly because he knows how dangerous driving can be and he wants you to be safe

- you, on the other hand, couldn't give less fucks

- the tiniest things are a HUGE distraction

- fighting about the radio because he doesn't allow you to turn it on (speaking of distractions)

Lando Norris

- you hate driving and he knows it

- you love watching as he drives and he knows it

- this was an easy deal to make, honestly

Lewis Hamilton

- what? driving? you? his angel/queen/love of his life?


- of course you have a chauffeur (whether it's him or whomever he hires)

- you never have to lift a finger for anything

Max Verstappen

- you can't focus on anything else but the road when you're driving

- he takes FULL advantage of it and picks awful music

- (might sound like a paradox) lots of fights about you speeding

- funnily enough, you drive his car better than him and he has a better feeling driving yours

Pierre Gasly

- he's a driving hazard

- your perfect textbook driving style is literally torture for him

- complains about you going too slow/letting too many people pass (either cars or pedestrians)

- secretly envies your parking technique

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