Civil War

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Meeting each other's families

Carlos Sainz Jr

You met each other's families at your cousins' wedding, so when you introduce each other again as a couple it's not as traumatic as it might have been in any other case. But you still wait a couple of months to summon the two parties to dinner to make the "announcement". You're terrified at the possibility that his father won't approve and eventually you feel like you can start breathing again only when he gestures you in for a hug. His mother welcomes you just as warmly, and you've been getting along great with his sisters ever since the wedding, so no more worries.

As for your family, the best your father can do to express his approval is a nod, although he's secretly very happy with the man you chose, but your mother compensates for that by completely falling in love with the guy.

Charles Leclerc

You and Arthur have already met, and besides the fact that you're like the biggest simp for the boy, you get along very well. Charles's mother and Lorenzo are actually the one you're scared to meet the most, mostly because of the way your relationship with him has begun. Luckily enough, it all goes as smoothly as it can, and you get to build a nice and strong bond with all of them. 

What can we say about your folks? You're dating Charles Leclerc, the myth, the legend, il Predestinato of Ferrari. Your brother/sister has his poster on their bedroom wall. Trust me, it's all good.

Daniel Ricciardo

Your parents actually met way before you two got together, and they already exchanged every possible anecdote about you so there isn't much more to talk about when you and Daniel take all four of them out for lunch. It's like they already know you and, of course, they approve your relationship. Your fathers are probably the most enthusiastic about it because now they can spend more time together discussing fishing and F1. 

George Russell

You told your parents about this guy you were dating and they loved how happy you were whenever you mentioned him, so introducing him to them is more like a formality. Meeting his family is just as good, although you bond a bit more with his mother and sister at first. It all falls perfectly into place after George tells you that his father actually loved you and was just a bit worried about making a good impression on you. (Seriously, chill, the man does NOT hate you.) The only issue arises when you introduce him to you grandmother. She was the one he should've been worrying about all along, and he has. He kind of still does whenever you have lunch at her place because she gives him a hard time, but she likes him very much and thinks that "you've found your match".

Lando Norris

Okay, I'm just going to say this as it is. Your mother's pretty much convinced that he's an idiot. On a more positive note, though, your little brother/sister adores him. 

We can't say the same about his brother and sisters. Now, wait, they will come to love you and even almost consider you more a part of the family than Lando himself, but that's not really how it starts. They're all very protective of Lando, so they need a little more time to figure you out and make sure you won't hurt him. If his parents are the same, at least they don't show it as much. 

Lewis Hamilton

You meet his mother first when your relationship's still fake. It's brief but it's very good, you both get amazing vibes from each other and enjoy each other's company. Some time later, you meet his father. He doesn't even know you're dating his son (whether it's real or still for show at this point), but you two instantly click by making the same comment about a move Lewis has made on the track. On the other hand, introducing him to your folks isn't necessary. You and your family drifted apart after you moved out when you graduated high school. (I'm sorry, love.)

Max Verstappen

Your father's a huge fan but he doesn't really trust him as a person, although you're always trying to convince him that he should actually see it the other way around. As for your mother, she kind of adopts Max the minute she meets him, and their bond is so strong it almost scares you. 

As for his family, his sister introduces you to their mother during a girls' afternoon or something and it goes flawlessly, really. But (and this one might hurt) his father doesn't like you one bit. He thinks you're not the right match for his son and his social status. It's bad. To the point where he doesn't come to dinner if you're there, he doesn't look at you if you're sharing a room, and he never calls you "Max's girlfriend". The furthest he can stretch is, "a girl he knows".

Pierre Gasly

He introduces you to his parents first, it happens on a race weekend and it goes very well. You're not that close to his family, but that's just who you are, there's nothing wrong with that. Whenever you spend the day with them, you all have a great time actually. The same goes for him and your parents. Your mother likes him enough to bake his favorite cake every time he comes over for lunch, and your father always makes fun of him (but secretly gives him his number just in case he needs anything).

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