3. Heartbeat

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(A/N: Kachow)

"What do you mean he's in a coma!" I got him and spring to grab a bag, throwing in random shit around me. i can't believe what i'm hearing.

"He was shot in action. He's been in a coma for 7 days now."

"Is he okay?"

He paused, "They don't know yet. He's not responsive."

I threw my phone on the bed and began packing, there's no fucking way in hell this is how our story ends.


I've been anxious since i stepped foot into the airport.

Ironic that he didn't visit me in the hospital yet here i am running after him.

But at this point, i don't care. I just want to see him.

I finally land after God knows how many hours. More anxious than ever. I see Soap waiting for me at the end of the escalators and i ran into his open arms,

"Johnny." i said and began crying, i pulled away to look at him. "Take me to him, now."

We grabbed my luggage and ran to the car outside, "Johnny please step on the fucking gas you drive like a grandma!"

He drives like a Prius driver.

No snarky response, he knows not to push my buttons right now. I'm this close to pushing him out of the car so i could floor it.

"Can you tell me what happened? I don't even know what the mission was about. No one could tell me." I was upset no one would tell me, but they're not allowed too. I wasn't part of the mission.

He sighed, "I cant tell you what we were in Russia for."

"Did you just say we? You went with them?" I'm furious.

"You have to understand that you're not part of Task Force 141 Y/n. You got lucky that Price agreed to let you come along last mission."

"Fucking tell me what it's about Soap."

"This stays between us. A man under the name of Vladimir Makarov attempted to take over Europe a few years back, but we thought we stopped him. We don't know how he escaped, but he did." He paused and looked over at me, then continued. "We were in Moscow and Vladimir and his army killed and shot hundreds of people at the Moscow airport, we attempted to stop them but he escaped again. But not before shooting Ghost in the chest, 6 times." He finished.

Holy shit.

"Soap, was Simon supposed to go on that mission?" I asked.

"...No. He was going supposed to take a leave for a couple of months after we caught Hassan, but he asked Price if he could join with us." Wow.


He looked confused,

"What do you mean?"

"When did he ask Price if he could join you."

"After the incident at the Villa, in Mexico."

I didn't respond. Was he running away from me?

I didn't realize that the car stopped, but I couldn't recognize where we were,

"Where are we?"

"It's a secluded infirmary, being who he is we couldn't take him to a hospital."

Makes sense. "How many people are in there?"

"The only person that's been in there is the Doctor treating him, no one else has been allowed in." He responded.

"Then why did you tell me to come?"

"Before he slipped into his coma, his Doctor mentioned him whispering a name. And It was yours."

The butterflies in my stomach have returned.

What does this mean?

I jumped out of the car and ran towards the building, not waiting for Soap to catch up. I tried to open the doors, but they were locked. I looked back at Soap, he was still standing there.

Should i knock? So i did, i knocked. No one answered.

At this moment, i really wished i had a big bulky radio so i could play 'Don't You Forget About Me.' and throw rocks at the window.

After a few minutes the doors were slightly opened, revealing an old, grey haired man.

"You must be Y/n. John told me you were coming, come in." He opened the door wider and let me in.

I hesitated for a minute, but walked in.

I followed him into the tiny infirmary, it seemed like it only had a room or two.

I'm dreading seeing what i'm about to see, i haven't seen him in so long... and i didn't want it to be like this.

He opened the door for me and gave me a small smile,

"He hasn't showed any sign of life or movement in nearly a week, i would suggest saying your goodbyes, I'm sorry." He said and walked out, leaving me and my Simon alone. He's strong, he will survive. I believe it.

He looks so more captivating than ever. His skin, just as pale and radiant as i remember. His lips, just as pink and full. His long, dark eyelashes adding to his beauty. But my favorite feature on his face, was that scar on his cheek.

My beautiful boy.

He's breathtaking.

I slowly walk up to him and take a seat on the chair next to his bed.

"Hey." Was all i could muster up before the tears started rolling down my face, "It's y/n, i thought i was the only one allowed to see your face. Are you cheating on me?" I said laughing and sniffling.

I went to grab his hand, his big, rough hands. "I swear to God Simon Riley if you die to a bullet wound i will be making fun of you for the remainder of my life. Big scary Ghost killed by a bullet? We can't let that happen now." I said smiling, trying to stop the tears from rolling down my face.

"God i miss you so much." I put my head on his chest, and listened to his slow heart beat. "Please wake up, i can't do this without you." I began sobbing into his chest.

I then hear his heart beat quicken, i sit up to look at him.

I then feel his hand closing in on mine..

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