6. Your Heart Belongs to Me

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(A/N: This is sad. I'm sorry.)

"I know your heart belongs to someone else."

"If you knew that, then why did you kiss me?" I backed away slowly, in complete shock.

"You took up my offer to have dinner with me, i thought it meant something different." He responded, looking back up at me.

"So you waited until he was on his death bed to swoop in and try to fuck me or something?" i shouted at him, still in shock. Because like, what the fuck.

"What? No! That wasn't my intention at all!"

"Okay, then what were your intentions?" I crossed my arms and narrowed my eyes at him.

"My intention were to take a beautiful woman out to dinner." He said.

I didn't respond, i was waiting for this conversation to end.

"I apologize, i misunderstood the situation. What i did was wrong, have a good night." He then turned around and drove away.

What. The. Fuck.

He tried eating my face and all he could say was 'i misunderstood the situation'? Yeah, no shit.

I regret calling him sexy when i first met him. I muttered, "Pinche pendejo." (Fucking asshole) See, i did learn some spanish.

I went back inside and was met with Ashley, looking like he was waiting for me. I don't know why i despise this man so much, every-time he keeps telling me Simon doesn't have a chance of survival i want to strangle him until his eyes pop out. Too dramatic?

I'm sorry.

The intrusive thoughts kicked in.

"Welcome back." He said with a hint of an attitude. His desk is right in-front of the doors, so he always sees when i leave or come back. It's like i'm living with my parents for fucks sake.

Me and Ashley are beefing.

"Thanks." I muttered and walked towards Simons room.

"How was it?" He asked me which made me stop in my tracks,

"It was good. Thanks for asking." And i kept walking.

"Who was the gentlemen?" He's getting way too comfortable now.

"A friend." I said and kept walking. This man is literally acting like a father.

I walked into Simons room, and he looks the same. The machine is keeping his body alive, pumping oxygen into his body.

"Hey." I said as i took off his jacket and put it back on one of the hooks hanging on the closet doors right across from him. "I borrowed your jacket if that's okay." I kissed him on the forehead and pulled the couch closer to him, i held his hand and drifted off into a slumber.


It's been 2 weeks. He is still on life support. And i don't know if i can handle it anymore.

I took a seat right next to him and held his hand. "We need to have to talk" As much as i don't want to admit it, I'm beginning to lose hope.

His doctor was right, watching a machine keep his body alive is hell, and unfair to him.

"As much as i want to hold onto that hope that you're going to come back to me, Simon, I'm afraid that i'm just psyching myself out. I don't want to imagine my life without you. I don't know if i could ever love another man, and that's why i refuse to let you go." I started feeling my eyes watering.

"Your doctor mentioned something to me once, but i ignored it because i was in denial." I paused for a second, but continued,

"If someone's on life support and they haven't shown any sign of life for a while, then their family has the choice to 'pull the plug' and i don't know if i still have it in me to see you like this. Knowing that a machine is keeping you alive, it's not fair to you. Or me." I can't stop the tears that are now flowing down my face.

I placed my head on his chest, and listened to his slow heartbeat. I began sobbing. "Since i'm technically your only family, im the only one who is able to make that decision. ...and I've decided to do it, Simon." I grabbed his hand and kissed it, "i wish i could hear your voice one more time."

I got up to call the Doctor, but then i hear his Heart Monitor start to beep fast, i turn around and look down at him.

It started beeping faster. I placed my hand on his chest to feel his heart beating quicker than the first time, when i visited him.

"Simon?" I whispered.

I nudge his shoulder, as if that's going to do anything. "Hello?"

His eyes suddenly opened and he takes a huge breath, in return scaring the shit out of me.

But, It can't be. This type of shit only happens in the movies. He reaches for oxygen mask and rips it off of his face. I see his eyes adjust to his surroundings, i began crying with joy.

I got him back.

"Oh my God", I ran out into the hallway screaming for Ashley, "HES AWAKE!" My voice echoed through out the small infirmary. I see Ashley running towards me with a half eaten donut in his hand. He pushes past me and shoves the donut in my hand, and closes the door.

I don't know how long i stood out there. Waiting for him to open the goddamn door. He eventually opens it and says, "You can come in."

I walked in, shoved his donut back into his hand.

I slowly walked over to him, a huge smile plastered all over my face. He's now sitting up in bed, looking at me. Confusion written all over his face.

"Who are you?" He says..

I was frozen in place, "What?"

He then started laughing,

"So, Alejandro huh?"

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