16. Dirty Dancing

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(A/N: I Love you guys <3)

There's absolutely no fucking way he's this stupid. I see him walking towards the bar, and order something. He leans his left elbow on the bar and just watches us as we dance.


"Hmm? Sorry?" I looked away and back at Vladimir.

"Where are you from?" He asked as he got closer to my face.

"Scotland." I gave him a small smile. I look over his shoulder again to see Simon glaring daggers at Vladimir's back. This doesn't look so good.


*Third POV*

After they sent in Y/n, the men began taking Vladimir's men down one by one. Ghost was supposed to be on watch, killing the men that Price and the rest of the task force didn't get too. But then he saw Vladimir dance with Y/n... and something came over him.

All he could see was red. He wanted his head on a stick. He hates how he feels like he has some ownership over her, it's not out of insecurities, but protection. He wants to protect what's his, protect her from evil. He knows what mens true intentions are with Y/n. He hated how the task-force would speak about her when her and Soap weren't around, how they sexualized the fuck out of her before they got together.

All those months ago when they hated each other, he didn't understand why it's bothered him so much when the men would talk about her body, or talk about how attractive she was. And those words being spoken about her didn't stop until they found out she was with him, after that, they didn't dare look him in the eyes. Even Price and Gaz, Alejandro too. But he didn't know how to tell her, he didn't know if he should. They regretted everything they've said about her, i mean, who wouldn't scared of Simon 'Ghost' Riley?

He liked the power. He liked seeing the fear in their eyes. He enjoys it. He's thought about hurting them, he liked imagining it. The sound of his blade slicing their skin.. He stayed up at night wishing he could rip their heads off. And he enjoys those thoughts. He gets off on them.

He's a sadistic bastard.

Ghost is selfish. But he can't be with her. Ghost, a heartless, merciless man. A stone cold killer with gallons of blood spilt on his hands. Ghost, a sadistic and vicious man.

But not with her.

He doesn't know what came over him when he saw Vladimir touch his girl.

He wanted to kill him. He got out of the building, more like ran out of the building to get to her. He doesn't even know what he's going to do once he gets there. He snuck into the back and knocked out one of the security guards to steal his suit. He took his masquerade mask and locked him in the closet alongside with his gear. He quickly ran his fingers through his hair, attempting to fix it and walked towards the loud ballroom. Immediately his eyes found hers..


"What do you keep looking at?" Vladimir asks as Simon starts walking towards us. Shit.

"Nothing! If you don't mind getting me another glass of wine, i would really love one right now." I smiled.

"But i thought you didn't like wine?"

"I changed my mind." I lightly pushed him off and he walked towards the bar. I immediately feel a big hand grab my waist and my hand.

"I didn't know you could dance." I muttered.

"Theres a lot you don't know about me." He got close to my ear and whispered. Which sent shivers down my spine, this time the good kind. I cant wait to find out all of those things, i can't wait to see what the future holds for us.

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