14. Pisces

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(A/N: This chapters a filler that'll lead to the next one, so it won't be super exciting 😭 But the next chapters idea was given to me by dojamoth ❤️)

Hey Alexa, how many times has he threatened to kill me?

I've lost count at this point.

I was never truly afraid when he would say that shit to me a few months back, because i knew he was frustrated with me but not the a point of literal murder. But this time.. this time feels different.

I couldn't recognize him, now i know why he put on the mask. It was Ghost threatening me, not my Simon.

I didn't follow him out of that bathroom, i stayed in the tub. Stunned. And terrified. Eventually i got dressed and walked out, but he wasn't in the room anymore. I don't know where he went, and i didn't want to find out. I've made so much progress with him, i hope this wasn't a set back.


A cellphone ringing woke me up, but it wasn't mine. I turned to my left and saw Simon laying there, he came back to bed. It was his phone ringing, and it didn't even wake him up. I reached over him and grabbed it, it read 'John Price.'

"Hello?" I answered.

"Y/n? Is that you?" He said laughing, "I didn't know you were here! Soap didn't mention anything."

"Oh, that's weird. I've been here for a while now actually, i was taking care of Simon when he was in the infirmary."

"Why didn't you come by? We could've used your help."

"What do you mean?" I got out of bed and began pacing around the room.

"I asked Soap if you were able to accompany us on this mission, He said you wanted to go back to Scotland."

That little fucking rat. He never mentioned anything to me.

And the plot thickens.

"Oh right, i completely forgot. I'm actually available now, when can i start?" I'm going to kill that little bitch.

"That's why i called actually, i wanted Simon to come back. We think Vladimir is back in Russia. And now that you're here, we're definitely going to catch that son of a bitch." He finished.

I know we have to retrieve something from Vladimir, but i never asked what. I'll be fully informed once I'm back to their base.

"Okay, i'll let Simon know once he's awake. I'll see you soon Captain." I said and hung up the call.

"Was that Price?" I hear a deep groggy voice coming from behind me, scaring me shitless.

I turned around to see him sitting up in bed, his hair was all over his face and the sheets were pulled down to his waist, revealing his beautifully toned body. I could never get over this view.

"Yes, it was. We've been summoned Lieutenant Riley." I said jokingly. I don't know if we're okay or not, sometimes i feel like i have to walk over eggshells around him.

"Alright." He fully pulled the sheets off and began re-packing his bag, pulling out his gear that he hasn't worn in months. I see a sparkle in his eyes, he missed this.

He hasn't mentioned anything about me going with him. He caused a huge argument about not letting me go, and now nothing?

He was fully clothed and then began putting on his combat vest, he paused, "Are you going to keep watching me or are you going to get ready?"

I followed suit and began packing away the shit i took out, and began getting ready. I'm not going to question it, but i am very upset. All of that bullshit he put me through was for nothing. So many things could've been avoided if he just let me go with him, Price wanted me to be there in the first place. Why didn't he just tell me personally? Why did he ask my brother? I feel like my sex has something to do with it. Men in this field will never see women in the field as equals. The amount of soldiers i've beat up for disrespecting me is astounding, even with my title i barely receive respect. Like this isn't the 1950's for fucks sake.

His phone rang again, but he went outside to take it. After 5 minutes or so he came back in,

"They're sending a chopper to get us, we're meeting them on the roof." He said and grabbed our bags, making his way up the stairs. I follow behind him, the energy is off. But I knew it would be.

How much is therapy these days? I'm debating getting him one for his birthday. No but really, what do you even get a man like that for his birthday? A knife sharpener? His birthday is in a couple of weeks, February 24.

I forgot that he's a Pisces. One of most emotional male zodiac sign, that makes sense.


We flew to the new base, some random soldier was flying us. I've never seen him before, but the silence between Simon and I was deafening. It felt like the first time we met, all stares, but no word was being spoken.

We hopped out of the chopper and we were greeted with the crew, man i've missed the team. Everyone was here, Price, Soap, Gaz, Roach, but then my eyes landed on Alejandro. I slightly turned to my right and saw Simon shooting daggers at him, if looks could kill... Alejandro would be 6 feet under the ground. Fuck, what do i do.

I lightly grabbed his hand and squeezed it. "Hello boys, i've missed you." I smiled at everyone and we all began walking towards one of the big tents.

Johnny and Simon were catching up, i love their little bromance. It's so cute. Alejandro was avoiding me, but he was avoiding Simon even more. I could see the fear in his eyes, he knows he should be afraid.

We all gathered around Price, who was first to speak, "We've gotten news that Vladimir is back in Russia, and he is hosting a ball tonight." He then turned towards me, "And it's perfect that you're here, Y/n. We want you to go undercover and distr-"

"Fuck no." Simon shouted at Price. Everyone turned to look at Simon, shocked by his outburst. "Not again. You didn't learn from last time?" He started slowly charging at Price, i stopped him with my hand,

"No, it's fine. You guys will be keeping watch, i'll be fine." I looked back at Price, "Finish explaining the mission."

"Alright.. So we want you to go undercover and distract him, while we take out his men one by one. Then once we have him alone, we'll be able to capture him."

"I'm okay with that. Just don't put me in that red dress again, please." I laughed.

"Don't worry, it's blue."

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