5. Ashley

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(A/N: IM SORRY FOR THE LAG i got a new kitty and i've been running around making sure he doesn't chew on wires lol. This will be... an interesting chapter. Idk what your reactions will be lol)

It's been 2 weeks, and he hasn't woken yet.

Soap went back, they're still on the hunt for Vladimir.

But i haven't left Simon. His Doctor, which i later found out's name was Ashley, says that he's stable, but he thinks that he won't make it. First of, who names their son Ashley?

But he doesn't know him like i do. Simon hasn't moved again since the first time i came. It hurts seeing him laying there. I've been sleeping in the couch just to the right of him. I can't sleep at night, just in case he wakes up. Ashley, god i can't even say his name with a straight face, mentioned that Simon could still hear us.

I didn't realize that when i had my little moment, sobbing in his chest. And i'll admit; it was a bit dramatic. I've been watching way too much Grey's Anatomy.

I read to him sometimes, nothing crazy, mostly nursery rhymes because i know they piss him off. The Cat in The Hat is the current choice.

I heard a knock on the door, i got up off of the couch and walked over to open the door,

"Hey doc." His doctor was standing there with some sort of machine in his hand. I look down at it and narrowed my eyes, he could sense my confusion.

"Hello Y/n. May i come in?"

"Um, yes. What is that you're holding?" Fuck. it doesn't look too good. He paused,

"I have to put him on life support, y/n." I felt my heart drop.

"But i thought you said he was stable?" i said, now starting to panic.

"His vitals were stable, but he's been getting worse. I'm sorry, i didn't know how to tell you." He pushed past me and plugged in a bunch of random shit.

"This machine can only do so much, Y/n. I know you have hope, but from a medical perspective, his chance of survival is little to nothing." he sighed and walked out.

Fuck you Ashley.

I didn't know what to think or how to react, i stood in-front of his bed and looked down at him for what felt like forever. The oxygen mask now covering the bottom half of his face, i really miss his eyes.

I grabbed a chair and positioned it right next to him, "I swear to god Simon Riley, if you die i will kill you." I feel my eyes starting to water, but then my phone starts to ring

It reads, 'Alejandro'

Why is this man calling me right now?

I hesitantly answer the phone, "Hello?"

"Hello Mi Amor." (My love.) He said in his sexy Spanish accent.

What? I can still admire sexy men. Don't judge me.

"Hi Alejandro, what do i owe this pleasure?" i said laughing.

"I heard about Ghost, i'm sorry Y/n."

"Thank You, i've been with him for 2 weeks now, the Doctor said he doesn't have a high chance of surviving, but i have hope." I finished.

"Well.. I'm actually in Moscow right now, Price asked me to take Ghosts place."

"What do you mean 'Take his place?'" I asked, confused.

He paused, "You know what i mean mi amor."

"No, no i don't know what you mean." I started raising my voice.

"Why don't we meet up? Let me buy you dinner."

He's trying to change the subject. I cant believe they gave up on him so quickly. But he'll prove them wrong. That little shit better.

I again, hesitate. I realize that Simon can hear me and i go outside.

He let out a deep chuckle, "This isn't a date, if that is what you are thinking."

"Okay, then that works for me." I agreed, I haven't been outside in forever. And he's always been so kind to me.

"I will pick you up at 7? Soap told me where you are."

Soap knows about this?

"Okay, that works. I'll see you in a few hours." I said and hung up. What is my life right now?

I don't have any fancy clothes, i hope he doesn't expect me to wear a dress, that was a one time deal. It's freezing here, 43°. At least i consider it cold.

The fanciest shit i brought was a black sweater and black jeans, i didn't bring a jacket like a dumbass so i decided to wear Simons. Which literally goes down to my knees, how big is this man? Luckily it looks like a raincoat so i'll be able to pull it off.

I sat in the chair next to him and read him another nursery rhyme, i can't wait to see how pissed he's going to be once he wakes up. I look down at my watch, 19:00, shit, it's 7 p.m.

I sprint sprint out of that room like i'm Usain Bolt and run past Ashley,

"Where are you going?" He shouts at me as i'm running towards the big doors,

"Don't worry about it!" Old piece of shit.

I push through the doors and see Alejandro waiting outside for me, leaning against the door to his truck.

I'll admit that he smells good.

No, stop it.

I walk towards him and stand in-front of him. He's wearing a tight black cotton shirt with the buttons unbuttoned on the top showing off his muscular chest. Dark blue jeans and black combat boots. I never realized how tall he was.

"Te ves hermosa." (You look beautiful.) He said smiling at me, and kisses my hand.

I don't know what he said but i know hermosa means beautiful. I could literally be mistaken for a rat right now, he's on one.

"Thank you Alejandro." I gave him a small smile and retracted my hand out of his grasp.

He opened the door for me and helped me get into the really high truck.

"So, where are we going?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"There's a small diner just north of Moscow, i was told about it from a friend, i hope you will like it." He said smiling at me, he's so sweet to me. So opposite from Simon.

We fill the silence with small talk, he was telling me about his childhood and where he grew up. He's lived a complicated life. It made me respect him even more.

We got to the Diner and i began to open my door, but he ran out of the drivers seat and ran over to me.

"A beautiful girl like you should never open her own door." He said and helped me out.

"Thank you, that's kind of you." i said smiling up at him.

We walk towards the Diner and he opens the door for me, again. We spent hours talking about Soaps and i's up bringing, he was listening to me like it was the most interesting conversation he's ever had.

Eventually we end up leaving and we drove back to the Infirmary, he again opened the door for me and helped me out.

"I had a great time with you tonight bonita"(gorgeous)

"I did too, thank you for this. I haven't left these 4 walls in weeks.

But then he did something unexpected, he leaned in to kiss me. But i immediately pushed him off,

"What are you doing?" i shouted at him. He sighed and looked down at his feet.

"I'm sorry y/n, I know who your heart belongs too."

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