~{1. Where It All Began}~

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It was that time of the year again where stars would fall out of the sky and shoot past the eastern wonderland for the first time in what felt like ages and everyone in Gensokyo was well aware of this as humans gathered together on the streets to watch the spectacle and even youkai would watch the sky in anticipation from forests and other environments far away from any human settlement as to not bring any attention to themselves. It didn't take long before the meteor shower made itself known in the darkened night sky, passing through Gensokyo's sky just like all the years before it though this time, something wasn't right.

Amongst the array of stars, one of the stars seemed to have taken a different course compared to the rest as it abruptly shot down to the ground in a unusual manner, crash landing into the ground and leaving a sizeable crater behind upon impact with the ground and the star's bizarre landing was quick to draw attention of two specific figures.

"Fascinating." An intrigued voice of a woman spoke in an almost impressed tone as two female silhouettes stood idly over a crater, staring down into it as both of their gazes were locked with an iron ball that laid motionlessly in the very centre of the crater with one goal in mind, investigating whatever had just passed the Hakurei barrier.

"Yukari-Sama, shall I dispose of this... Thing?" A second voice of yet another woman chimed in with concern as to what this iron ball was suppose to be, or even how it managed to pass through the great Hakurei barrier without an issue from the almost pristine condition that the ball was in.

"Hmmm... Not yet, Ran." The voice of the first woman replied as she closely observed the iron ball for any unusual behaviour to occur but the iron ball remained still in the crater with a clear indication that it wasn't going to be getting out from that crater any time soon.

After getting a good long look at the foreign object, the first silhouette slowly began to approach the iron ball, seemingly unfazed by the mysterious object that rested on the ground in front of the two women, almost as if she knew that the ball was no real threat to her or to anyone else for that matter as she placed her hand on the unusual object resulting in the metallic object responding to the woman's light touch leading to the top of the metal ball slowly opening up, revealing a hatch from which smoke was emanating from.

"Y-Yukari-Sama!" The now worried voice of the second silhouette called out to the first one, concern that this metallic ball had just released some kind of toxic gas into the air or something far worse, however the first silhouette didn't seemed to be concerned with it, almost as if she knew that this was nothing more than regular steam and that she was in no real danger, going as far as to even signal to the other silhouette to remain silent which the silhouette of the second woman understood fully and obediently nodded her head in response before both women stared back at the metal ball which continued to let out absurd amounts of steam.

It didn't take long before the steam had finally cleared, allowing both women to finally check what was laying within the odd metallic object.

"It... It can't be...!" The second woman gasped in shock after both women took a solid look inside the object, just to be met with a child laying asleep inside of the metallic ball.

"A child? Well isn't this a rather unusual surprise." The first woman commented with both confusion and amusement. To her, this didn't seem like anything to be taken seriously and yet, it still posed many questions that simply couldn't be answered like

Where the pod come from?

Why was there a child inside of it?

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